Chapter Twenty

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Okay, so it's been way too long since I last updated. Sorry about that, but I was not having much luck with writing and I've been busy with other school/college-related stuff.

This chapter is incredibly long, but I just couldn’t figure out how to break it up/change it so that it's shorter, but hopefully you guys don't mind. :)

 Thanks to everyone who's been reading/commenting/voting! You guys are awesome. :)

I'll try to get the next chapter up sometime before the end of the week, sorry in advance if that doesn't happen...but that's not important now! Here's chapter twenty! 


"Would you hurry up John?" Sherlock shouted from downstairs. "We're going to be late!"

"Don't rush me Sherlock!" John shouted back. He felt bad for yelling, and for being the cause of their tardiness, but it had taken him a while to get dressed. He wasn't quite used to the cast yet, and he had refused to let Sherlock help dress him.  "I'm almost ready anyway." He turned away from the door and looked over his appearance in the mirror hanging on Sherlock's bedroom wall. Moments later he heard angry footsteps coming down the hall, and Sherlock soon burst into his room.

"I told you John I-" he stopped suddenly, so John turned around to see what had caught the detectives attention. Surprisingly enough, Sherlock was staring at John himself, mouth slightly agape, his eyes scanning his attire. John felt self conscious under his penetrating stare, and stood frozen in place, unsure of what to do.

"Um, Sherlock? You alright?" John's question was paired with nervous laughter as the doctor shifted his weight from one foot to the other. Sherlock blinked his eyes a few times, then cleared his throat and met John's gaze.

"Yes, I'm fine. It's just…I've never seen you in a suit before." He reached up to straighten his already straight collar and brushed some invisible lint from his jacket. "You look very nice." John's mouth opened slightly, but no words came out. Sherlock rarely gave compliments, so he had no idea how to respond to this. He cleared his throat and shot the detective a warm smile.

"Thanks. So do you." He gestured to Sherlock's outfit: black trousers and jacket, paired with a white shirt and black tie. Aside from the tie, his outfit wasn’t very different from the clothing he wore on a usual basis, but John felt the need to compliment his attire as a response to the compliment that had been bestowed upon himself. Sherlock gave John a charming smile as he played with the buttons on his suit.

"Do you think so?" John nodded his head, unable to take his eyes off of Sherlock's eyes. The two men stood there staring at each other with grins on their faces for quite some time before they both simultaneously remembered that they had a party to get to. There was a lot of throat clearing and feet shuffling as the two made their way downstairs and out of the flat.


By the time they'd made it to Lestrade's flat, the party had already been in full swing. Some kind of "easy listening" music was playing softly in the background, and the main room was filled with people, many of whom John remembered seeing around Scotland Yard.

John decided to set up camp in the kitchen near the snack table while Sherlock searched for a place to put their coats. After five minutes of munching on finger foods and waiting for Sherlock to appear, John began to consider going looking for him. The flat wasn't very sizeable, but they'd never been here before, and John hadn't told Sherlock where he would be. Perhaps he was looking for him that very moment. John bent down to grab his crutches and was about to get up from the chair he'd been sitting in and go searching for Sherlock when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

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