Nick's P.O.V
The drive to the hospital seemed to go on forever. I was trying my best to keep a level head, but the truth was, I was a mess. I was so worried about Kayla. I mean, she's my baby sister and now she's probably lying in a hospital room, scared and confused. And I wasn't there to hold her and tell her it was okay. It was tearing me up inside. Finally we arrived, only to be faced with at least a dozen paparazzi.
Joe -- "How did they find us? Nobody tweeted did they?"
I knew he was just trying to lighten the mood, but I needed to see my sister and make sure that she was okay.
Nick -- "That doesn't matter right now Joe! Kayla's our main focus."
Kevin -- "That's right, come on guys there's a little girl in there who needs her brothers."
Amazingly we managed to dodge the paparazzi quickly and were soon rushing through the doors and up to the reception desk.
Kevin -- "We're here for Kayla Jonas!"
Receptionist -- "Are you her relatives?"
Nick -- "We're her brothers and guardians."
She looked at a clipboard for a few seconds and then back up at us.
Receptionist -- "She's currently having tests done, but if you have a seat in the waiting room down the hall, we will let you know any news as soon as we know it."
She pointed to the double doors to the right
Kevin -- "Thank you!"
We hurried to the waiting room and saw Bridget, Cassie and Dylan all huddled together in tears.
Joe -- "Hey guys."
Their heads snapped up and the girls rushed over to us. Bridget launched herself into Joe's arms and Cassie did the same to me.
Dylan -- "Have you heard any news?"
Kevin -- "Not yet buddy."
He went and sat beside Dylan and he put his head in his hands.
Joe -- "All they told us is that she was being tested and as soon as they got information, they'd let us know."
Bridget looked up at him and he rubbed her back comfortingly, trying to calm her down. I sat down in a chair and pulled Cassie into the one next to me. I put an arm around her and she snuggled into my chest. It reminded me of when Kayla did that whenever she was upset or scared. It brought tears to my eyes just thinking about it.
We waited for what seemed like an eternity, until finally a doctor came in.
Doctor -- "Kayla Jonas?"
We sprung up from our seats and sprinted over to the doctor.
[a/n: Dylan, Cassie and Bridget had to go hoime cause it was a school night.]
Doctor -- "I'm Doctor Morgan and I've been monitoring your sister."
Kevin -- "Is she okay?"
Doctor Morgan -- "Well after running a few blood test we have diagnosed her with Type 1 or Juvenile Diabetes."
When he utters those words, I felt my heart sink. How could I have not seen it? She was showing all of the symptoms! The same symptoms that I had shown when I was diagnosed nearly four years ago! She had been pale, losing weight, drinking vast amounts of water and had been unusually grumpy. I can't believe I didn't notice it sooner.
I looked at my brothers and they looked shocked to. I bet you any money that they were thinking the same thoughts as me. But I also bet you that they didn't feel as guilty as I did.
Nick -- "Can we see her?"
Doctor Morgan -- "I see no problem in that, but one at a time for now. Otherwise she may get overwhelmed."
I turned to my brothers.
Nick -- "Which one of us should go? I vote Kevin."
Kevin -- "Actually bro, I think you should go."
Nick -- "Me?"
Joe -- "Kev's right Nick. If anyone should see her it should be you. We know how close you two are."
Kevin -- "Plus you actually know what she's going through."
Joe nodded in agreement and I sighed.
Nick -- "I'll give her a hug from both of you."
They smiled big and gave me a quick "man hug."
Kevin -- "Tell her we love her."
Joe -- "And that we'll bring her presents and real food."
Nick -- "I will and could you guys do me a favour?"
Kevin -- "Sure dude. What is it?"
Nick -- "Call Vanessa and tell her what's going on? Kay's like a sister to her."
Joe nodded and took out his cellphone and I walked over to Doctor Morgan. He led me through the hospital and we eventually stopped outside Kayla's room.
Doctor Morgan -- "Now she may be asleep, but she is conscious and fully aware of her surroundings."
I nodded and thanked him before opening the door and entering her room.