Chapter 4

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Recap of Chapter 3

He starts taking off his belt and his pants then his underwear. I'm trying my hardest to get away from him,then he punched me hard in my face and then punched me in my stomach and it hurt so much. He pushed himself into me and it hurt so bad. He was going so fast and deep and didn't care anything about how I felt. He held me at my throat as I cried.

Jays POV

I just got back from picking Skylar up early  since she got suspended .
Jay- go put your stuff upstairs put all you electronics in my room and you wont be going anywhere for a while so don't ask

Skylar-but dad it wasn't even my fault that bitch hit me first

Jay-first of all watch your mouth and second I don't want to hear it go do what I told you.

She turns and goes up the steps while rolling her eyes and groaning.

Jay-don't try me Skylar!

Skylar POV

My dad makes me so mad sometimes like I didn't even start the fight that girl came up to me first and started running her mouth and I'm just so done with it

I went to go collect my iPad ,laptop and my phone and give it to my dad . I hope he just doesn't call my grandma cuz she don't play. Last time I got in a fight she whipped my ass. BAD!! I will never forget.

I walk downstairs and sit my stuff on the counter. I'm hoping he just doesn't ask for my beats cuz i really like them.

Jay- where the beats

Skylar- dad please don't make me girt them taken I promise I won't get into another fight

Jay-that's what u said last time and look at where we are today
The doorbell rings and I already know who it is. I'm bout to get my ass beat. As my dad goes and answers the door I try to sneak upstairs

Jay- don't even think about it. Go in the living room and sit down before u get into more trouble.

I went to sit in the living room but u know me I'm nosey and I was wondering what they were talking about. As soon as I peeped my head around the corner my grandma called me in the dining room.

I walked in slowly trying not to get hit before u sit down. She just started at me as I continue to walk

(Mama G or Mrs.Gloria)
Mama G- so what happened at school today

Skylar- I got on to a fight

Mama G- is this the same girl that has been messing with you

Skylar- yea

Mama G- what did I tell u about that girl. Why can't u just listen.

Skylar-she started with me first

Mama G- it doesn't matter who started it you didn't need to put ur hands on her

Skylar- I'm sorry grandma I promise I won't do it again please

Mama G- how would your mother feel if she say u like this

Skylar-she would be disappointed in me and I would get my butt whooped

Mama G- and your not  making it any easier for your dad to handle these situations when u acting how u are

Skylar-I'm sorry and I'm trying to do better but these girls have been messing with me for weeks

Mama G- why haven't u told anyone so we could get this worked out

Skylar- I never really thought about it

Mama G- well since this girl is getting in trouble you need to talk to someone about it. But for now ur ass is mine so go to your room and wait til I get up there

Skylar- but grandma it was-

Mama G- I don't want to hear it. Now go

I started to walk upstairs and as I walked past dads too. I saw him sitting there kinda dazed. I felt bad about how I was acting. I went in my room and just sat and thought about what I have done and how it ma day dad feel. I felt so bad but what's done is done.

I heard my grandma come up stairs and immediately got scared. I had to prepare for. The worst and y'all already know what happened after that.

Thanks for reading and waiting for me to update. I was bored and remembered I had to continue my book. Hope u enjoy and vote and comment 😘😘

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