Chapter 6

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Unknown- Thanks for your number but i hope to see you soon 😉

Bey- same goes to you too😊



Shawn POV

Beyonce' is so pretty. Who wouldn't ask for her number and she got a fat ass. She is a perfect shade of light brown and pretty white teeth and perfect smile. I wouldnt mind waking up to her every morning.

I wonder how Skylar feels about her. I think she needs a mother figure in her life. But ever since her mother died i have been looking for the perfect girl but they all just want me for my money. I dont think Beyonce' is like that though or at least i hope not.

Skylar POV

 I don't think my dad knows but i saw him flirting with the lady at the store. She was very pretty but i dont want her to hurt my dad. recently all the women that he has taken on dates only wanted him for his money.

I heard his phone go off showing that he received a message. I took a look and saw that he had the girls  number from the store "Beyonce'".

My dad looked happy that he received a message from her. She's probably a gold digger though. My dad owns a lot of companies. He has his own record company called Roc Nation. He has restaurants, hotels, and even a basketball team. Most people know him as Jay-z

We live in a big house for just the 2 of us. I don't have any siblings so im an only child.which is lonely sometimes. I dont always want to talk to my dad about girly things. I think im gonnna be seeing this Beyonce girl a lot more than usual though.

____________________________________________________________________________________How did u like the chapter. Please comment and vote so i can update more often. Should i start another book? Someone messaged me saying to make a sex story . comment if u think i should


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