Meeting the boys.

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I have a little question. Promise whatever I say won't ruin our... friendship."I said. "I promise." he said putting his hand on his heart. "Is this a date? If it is... Wait answer the question first." I said panicing. "I hope it is." He said sorta quietly. "Good. I was gonna say 'if it is I would be really happy.'" I said smiling. "Well, what do you wanna do for next four hours?" he asked. As I was starting to open my mouth his phone rang. "One secound. Hayes here... Hey Taylor... Hanging out with a girl... I'm not sure if you know her... Her name is Amber... Yeah her... I just said I'm hanging out with someone... I guess of she wants to but we're going somewhere soon... Fine I'll ask her... I'll call you back." he said. The call was a good 3 minuets. "Hey, so my friends wanna hang out. You wanna go or hangout here." he asked me. "I guess. Who are you're friends?" I said half expecting him to say the magcon boys and half expecting some other people. "Do you know who the Magcon boys are?" he asked. "Yeah." I said knowing what he was gonna say next. "Them." he said nonchaltly. "Ok. We should head out." I said. I went to the kitchen and wrote on the board 'Gonna go out with some friends.' "Lets go."I said opening the door. He led me to his car, he even opened the door for me like a true gentalman. "Well. Thank you." I said. He smiled widely. "Wait. You didn't do your make up. Do you wanna go do it?" he asked. "Nah. I'm fine without it. I don't need to paint my face to feel pretty. It's used to enhance what is already pretty" I said. We drove to who knows where. Well Hayes knows where. And his friends. So I don t know where. We arrived to a house. It is big house for someone who lives here. "WHO lives here." I asked. "My friend Jack. We call him Johnson."he said sorta laughing at my shock. "Well, are you coming or are you gonna keep staring." he said geting out of the car. I walked in with Hayes. "WHO is this. Hey I'm Matthew. I go by Matt." One of the many boys in the room said. I knew who the magcon boy where but I never really knew WHO they were. All I know is that they were vimers YouTubers and some of them are singers too. They all form Magcon. "Amber, this is Nash my brother. Thats Aaron. That's Cam. That's Brent. That's Matt as you know. This is Taylor. That's Carter. Here's Sam. Dillon. Shawn. Jacob. Jack J. Jack G. And Chris. Later I'll introduce you to Mahogany."he said. "Wait. Can you repeat that like in English please. Because all I know is that there is two Jacks and you'll inroduce me to Mahogany." I said really confided. "I'll help after the consert. Anyways, what do you guys wanna do." Hayes asked. "Let the guest choose." Matt said. He got really close to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I turn to him. "Get your arm off of me or I'll personally drive you to the hospital to get it sewed back on." I said. He gave me a 'Owch that hurt' kinda look. "Wow. What's with the vilence. Hey. No need to do that Amber. He is in that stage he thinks he can any girl he wants because he's famous." The boy who I think name is Cam said. Everyone laughed but Matt who have Cam a death state
"Truth or dare." I said. The boys shared glances "Ok." one of the Jacks said. He had blonde hair. "Okay. Truth or dare, Amber" Hayes asked. "Dare." I said. The room filled with ohhs. "I dare you to let Matt keep his arm around you until your next turn." He said. I went over to Matt and he put his arm around me. It didn't feel as off as it did the first time. "Hayes, truth or dare?" I asked. "Truth." he replied. "Pansy. Do you think I'm cute and for being a pansy you get two truths. Would you date me?" I asked. Hayes turned a bright pink. "I think your gorgeous. I would date you no hesitation."He said. "Can Truth or dare?" Hayes asked. "Dare." he said proudly. After the game ended I learned the boys names and a bit about them. I was even dared to kiss Hayes which was, wow. "We have to go if you wanna beat the traffic." Hayes said. The boys looked sad. "Umm... Bye I guess. I'll see you later." I said grabbing my things and following Hayes to his car.

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