The favor

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His hair was a dark brown that got lighter at the front and was styled like Jensen Ackles, he had a jawline that could cut diamonds and beautiful green eyes that reminded me of the castle  from oz. He was tall and wore dark jeans and an artic monkey T with a leather jacket over the top. He looked like he was a god, and all I could do was stare. He seemed like one of those guys you don't take home to meet ur parents, he probably was the guy you would find yourself doing  it in strange places. He was one hell of a looker, and I was practically drooling.

" Hey! Are you listening to me?!" Lizzy shakes me out of my daze and my head snaps in her direction.

"yeah of course" I lie.

"so... you'll do it?" she asks a bit hesitant, not sure if I was actually listening or not. I nod my head yes and a large grin spreads across her rosy face. "uhh thank you, thank you, thank you!!" she is jumping up and down now and looks so relieved. She then turns around and waves someone over, but not just anyone. Him. I freeze and my body tenses as he walks closer, he has a smirk on his face and is eyeing me up and down. My cheeks are flushed a fiery red and I avert my eyes from his. I shift my weight from one side to another and quickly bringing my hand to my face to check for drool. "Alex this is Damin, Damin this is Alex and she will be showing you around today because I'm super busy. So if  you need anything feel free to ask Alex." and with that she was off skipping towards the gym, leaving me dumbfounded at the situation I was stuck in. What the hell did I get myself into!! I internally screamed, I stood there staring at the spot Lizzy was no longer in. I was in mid mental panic attack, when a pair of strong fingers tapped on my shoulder to get my attention. I looked up at the handsome tall figure that stood before me.

"uh- oh ha so what's your-um first period class?" I stuttered quietly. Damin's soft lips formed into a smirk and he chuckled. " well I have chemistry but," he cut his sentence short to lean down next to my ear and as he spoke his warm breath tickled my neck." I would be willing to skip if you came with me," I bit my lower lip nervously and tried to speak calmly but unfortunately that didn't happen.

"HA me? skip class? I would never do such an awful thing," I was now louder then I wished and when I realized my volume, my cheeks turned bright red and I looked at the ground, not daring to lift my head even the slightest. He stands completely still for a few seconds, his breath still hitting my neck. He then pulls away from me with a slight smirk plastered across his features.

" I knew you were a goodie," and with that he is off, walking down the hall towards the doors exiting the school. I'm left standing there flustered and slightly pissed, so with out thinking I take off down the hall after that smirking jerk. 

"chemistry is in the opposite direction!" I call after him, but he just ignores me and continues to walk off. "hey! Are you listening to me?! you cant just leave! class is about to start!" once I finally catch up to him, we are next to what I presume is his car. I tug slightly at his sleeve and he whips around pinning me to his car.

" Look I took 12th grade chem last year, but when I changed schools, none of my work was transferred." he pauses, looking at me with a devilish grin, " So little Miss.Goodie, what'll it be?" he lets go of my wrist and opens the passenger door, waiting for my response. I look at him hesitant, what was happening to me right now?! If it was anyone else I would have never even given it a thought, I would have turned around and left by now. As much as I hated to admit it, I definitely am a goodie... When it came to Damin, I second guessed my good girl persona, but ditching class was out of the question and I know tommy would be angry with me. So I just couldn't and that's that. Before I knew what I was doing I stepped into his car and I looked up at his face to see what he was still doing on the passenger side of the car. When I looked up at him he had a look of shock on his face and I couldn't blame him, hell he looked how I felt! He laughed lightly and shut the door, he jogged around the car and got in starting up the engine.

"Also I'm not a goodie...." I grumbled, staring out the window as we drove off, he just laughed and mumbled a 'we'll see about that' under his breath. 



hey thanks for reading! and voting on my last chapter! I wont be updating everyday like I am now, but I started this last night and I just couldn't wait to post my next chapter!! I love you all and please vote, like and comment!! <3

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