Bad dreams

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"Alex!! Run! Hurry, their coming back! Go get out of here!" Tommy yells from in front of me. I slowly turn over to see the blood running down his face, I gasp in horror.

"N-no I can't l-leave you," I start to stutter. Soon someone is pulling on tommy as he struggles to stay with me, but he is ripped from the car as I scream his name.

I jump up, my heart pounding fiercely, I try to steady my breathing before I go into another panic attack. "You alright, goodie??" I flinch in fear, and look over to see a who is sitting next to me. Damin. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in. He smiles slightly, and pats my thigh, never taking his eyes off the road. "Bad dream?" He ask, even though he already knew the answer to that.

"Something like that..." I mumble before looking out the window. After awhile I notice we are back in town and the once bright blue sky is now turning a deep orange. "So are you gonna take me home now?.." I ask unsure of what he's doing.

" I'm taking you to the school,"

"Wait, why?" I ask, I mean school has been over for at least 3 hours now.Why would he take me there?

"You have a car don't you?" He glances over at me and that's when I notice a ripe hicky surrounded by slutty waitress lipstick. My face is flooded red with anger, and I realize why he took so long paying for our meal. I doubt he even paid, he probably just asked if they could hook up. Gross! guys who can go around having sex with strangers discuss me. He's probably never even had an actual relationship , I bet the closes thing to a girlfriend he's had, is a fuck buddy.

"So do u have a car or what?" Damin ask, as we arrive in the school parking lot.

"Yes." I shoot him a glare and before he can come to a compleat stop. I swing the car door open and jump out, I walk angrily over to my car and look back to see if he has left yet. Once he is out of sight. I reach into my pocket to grab my keys, their not there. Fuck. I slump down next to my car in defeat. My keys, my phone, and my backpack are in Damin's car. Which means I have to speak to him tomorrow, and that I have to walk home tonight. I sigh before reluctantly standing up and walking four miles home.


I reach my front door, and remember that I don't have keys. "Ugh! Why me!?" I raise my vocie, pissed off at Damin and myself for being so stupid. I walk around to my back door and stick my hand into the freezing cold shallow pond, I soon pull out a spare key and shove it in the lock. After giggling it around a bit, the door finally clicks open and I rush inside, feeling the comforting warmth of my empty house. I slowly drag my feet up the stares and crash onto my bed. And it doesn't take long for me to pass out again.

*cause you don't know you're beautiful uh-oh that's what makes you beautiful*

I let out a slow groan as my alarm goes off, I roll over and toss a pillow at the noisy clock. When I hear the song start over, I decide to throw another pillow. Unfortunately my alarm is still blaring my least favorite 1D song, I stand up and walk to my bed side table to turn off the alarm. Ugh I'm so glad its Friday. I quickly get dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a light pink sweater, with my worn out black converse. I throw my hair up in a ponytail and head down stairs. I walk over to my fridge, but sigh in disappointment when I see there is nothing to eat. This is just wonderful! No keys, phone, backpack, or food. I can already tell today will be great. I exit my house and start my extremely long walk to school.


~Authors notes ~

Sorry this chapter is short and the ending is kind of boring, but I promise the next chapter will be a page turner!! Please vote, commit, and like!! thank you and love you all!!

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