the world I used to know

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This story is in honor of the Mobil Suite Gundam franchise.   This story is the first time I've done a Gundam story so please bear with me.  All wright's for the Gundam franchise goes to sunrise studios. The only thing I own are my two oc's. Also since I have no picture of the Avalon I'm just going to discribe it to you all ( well technically Jason will but that is beside the point.)

Jason's apperance is listed below

Hight:5 feet 11inches

Hair color: raven black

Hair style : long spiky in back ends at shoulders

Eye color : green

Personality: kind caring and we'll manerd, but is very defensive of his friends and can be sarcastic and witty, also doesn't respond well to authority figures that haven't earned his trust

In combat : mostly focused  on the enemy,  defends allies at all cost, if able dose not kill hostiles

Phisical build: lean but muscular as results of marshal arts training, has vertical scar over left eye that doesn't impair vision.

Piloting skills: is the most optimal person to pilot the Avalon due to the Gundam's on board A.I. not allowing others in the suite, other skills show that 99% of the combat preformed by the Avalon is in fact jason not the A.I.

Well let's get started.

Jason pov

Honistly this week just plan sucks. First the tournament was canceled du to that big ass crystal, then sei and reiji ask me to help them, not that that was a bad thing.

The problem was that they headed into the giant spaceship and left us to deal with the cannon fodder, the jerks.

I dodged a shot from the station and shook my head to clear my thoughts, me and the others got ready for a fight. I shout "let's get them, AVALON!!" Then my Gunpla started shooting the enemy.

My Gunpla, no my Gundam. The GN-4-01 or 'the Gundam Avalon'

Avalon is more than a plastic model to me, he is a freind just as much as the actual Gundam's were to there pilots.

He was based off of my four favorite Gundams. They were the wing zero, the Burning Gundam, the 00 riser, and the strike freedom.

He has the mobility of the Burning Gundam and I can use that mobility quite well thanks to me studieing marshal arts since I was five, he also can use some of the Burning Gundam's attacks.

I gave him the Zero-system as well as wing zeros ability to turn into a fighter jet, it was hard to cross that ability with the Burning Gundam's movement pattern but with sei's help I managed.

He also has a modified buster cannon that was embedded into his wings and a wing shield that is able to fire rockets from a hidden luncher also like the wing zero he has beamsabers hidden on both shoulders.

The parts of the Freedom that I used was the head model but I altered it to have the face mask that the zeta has plus the funnel system as well as the data on the attack patterns funnels used.

Mobile suite Gundam seed: Avalon Where stories live. Discover now