The Angels Wrathful awakening.

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3rd pov

The battle wasn't what he expected, there were two ZAFT nazca-class ships, around twelve GINN's, as well as the le ceruest team. This time the buster was here, Jason wondered what happened yesterday.

The Strike stopped next to him, Kira asked " so, do you know how to fight in that thing?" Jason had to stop himself from snorting at the comment. In stead he said " You and Mister la flaga hold back, I want to give Avalon a true test." After saying that Avalon drifted worward, not fast enough to be considered a threat yet not slowly as to be easily picked off.

As he neard the Agies and the Duel he flashed the open channel light. Jason wanted it so all the enemies and the Archangel could hear him.

As soon as the he had confermation Jason said "Athrun zala, I thought I made myself clear yesterday. Stand down now. The Archangel is under my protection. And Rau le ceruest, if you can hear me then I will warn you only once, stand down or I'll show you all why this Mobile suite bears the name Gundam!"

Avalon flared his wings, shedding G.N particals like feathers. He extended his sword - rifles blade, Avalon then swapped the blade to the arm with the shield mounted on the forearm, and pulled a modified long range blaster off his back.

He then aimed at the closest enemy and he said "this is your only warning, turn back or die!!" Jason yelled out, Avalon's eyes glowed in agreement.

The blitz pilot yzak, the lose cannon he is didn't seem to take the friendly advice to heart.

He Shouted "shut up you natural scum! As if you could-" before he finished the rest of his rant Jason jetted forward and sliced the Blitz's left arm off at the shoulder. Then proceeded to aim his rifle at the cockpit

" let me tell you Yzak, you and the others who caused the disaster at Heliopolis are nothing but scum, you don't deserve to pilot a Gundam, not after the tragedy you caused. Innocent people, children, infants, even your own people, dead! Tell me, just because you know that there are weapons being developed in a civilian colony that is a reason to commit murder?

No its not, and don't give me that, 'they were building weapons, they were already involved' excuse, tell me this, if a ZAFT colony that held mostly civilians, but held a small amount of mobile suites, then it shouldn't be a target of the earth forces? Wrong they would be a target as well. But there is one problem with this one, the problem is that Heliopolis didn't even have any operational military to defend it! They weren't able to defend themselves, and you just slaughtered them!

The reason being that the G-prototypes were only there for assembly, as well as the Archangel. And the president of the colony, my father also wasn't aware of it.

But that didn't matter did it? All you thought of was 'Oh look, there building weapons! Let's go steal them, and let's destroy the colony full of innocent people. After all its only fair after what they did.'

So in the end you people just decided to get even for junius-7 is that it? So instead of the moral high ground, you decided you are just a bunch of monsters, and that an eye for an eye is the best solution!"

Jason's voice echoed across the battle field, showing all the rage and anger he felt tward ZAFT, even the earth forces part of the crew of the Archangel felt shame at the words. After all it was the earth forces that set off the nuke.

Before anyone could say something he continued " I may not have been able to save my parents, or Heliopolis. But I'll show you how badly you screwed up trying to take the lives of the innocent refugees on board the Archangel!"

Jason put the rifle back, then grabbed the Blitz by the head. The Avalon's arm started to glow. The forearm unfolded and a section extended over the hand. Then Jason yelled "SOLAR PALM!!"

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