the talk.

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Jason pov

I was woken up by Avalon around 6:30 am, had a quick bite to eat from a hidden MRE under the seat. (Don't know how it got there, don't care) and decided to look for a change of clothes, lukaly i found a hidden compartment in behind the seat.

I paused. Where were all these hidden things coming from I figured to ask Avalon. "Avalon, run a scan of the suite, look for hidden comparments." Avalon started the scan as I changed clothing, it seemed like this compartment had a lot in it a pilot suite, casual wire, helmet (wish I had that on yesterday) as well as a pistol. Yeah I should probably hang on to that. I broke out of my thoughts when Avalon finished his diagnostic.

He reported "there appear to be several comparments within the cockpit, the one you found held the clothing, the one derectally to your left holds ammunition for that pistol. The last one appears to be on the opposite side of the suite. And holds...." Avalon trail off. That never happens to him.

I said " Avalon, you okay?" That snapped him out of it. He then responds "..yes Jason, it's just that the contents of the compartment is a small version of the Avalon, it appears that documents are In there as well. Strange."

I was stunned, what could that mean. I head over to the side of the Avalon mentioned and opened the hidden door and my jaw hit the floor. Resting on a GP base was the Gunpla version of Avalon. And next to that was a picture of my mother. 'Oh God, mom.' Then it finally hit me, I might never see her again.

Oh no why, why did this have to happen to me? Mom can't take care of herself not since I was six, she's been in an out if hospitals due to a severe case of cancer, that was why I entered the world tournament after all.

So I could use the prize money to pay for the hospital bills. The fact that I'm here means....'no, no snap out of It jason you can't panic, she'll be fine, the doctor said that her cancer could be cured. Just that it would take some time. Keep calm Sei and Reiji said that if they won they would help pay the bills, huh you know for a battle crazed idiot reiji can actually be reliable, go figure'

I tried to keep myself under control. Panicking won't help right now, I need to stay calm. Think about happy thoughts, happy, peaceful thoughts.

Going back to what I was doing before I went emotionally overboard, but not before I put the picture of my mother in my pocket. I check the other things in the trunk. There were documents that stated I was the son of a mobile suite designer, and the president of the colony Heliopolis.

It also says that the Avalon was apart of a secret program built to stop war from breaking out between ZAFT and the earth forces. the project oddly enough was called operation Excalibur.

(I'm seeing a pattern here) Avalon was the only prototype to be considered operational. The others were abandoned after they failed to work and all assets were deverted to the Avalon.

It also mentioned that I designed Avalon and the others at the age of twelve. So that means that the project lasted four years.

It also mentioned that the other models were called, Solaris, Knightmire, and Merlin. They apparently couldn't work due to no pilots being able to make the suite operate over 10% combat proficiency, except me.

And it says here that I said I would only pilot the Avalon. Due to the fact that I installed A.I in him.

The file then mentioned that I managed to escape the Heliopolis disaster because me and Avalon were at an outpost going over the last testing of the 'Excalibur-drive' and by the time I got back the colony was destroyed. It also gave me a i.d tag for identification.

Mobile suite Gundam seed: Avalon Where stories live. Discover now