the new Gundam.

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Jason pov

As Avalon finished his transformation, I heard Kira say


Well I'll file that away for later. I spoke on an open channel

" Attention, ZAFT mobile suite, you are trespassing in UNSC (sorry I just had to) independent space, stand down and leave this sector or I will open fire, you have 1 minute to comply or I will take you down."

I said in a imitation of Setsuna's personality, I'm not sure if I can pull it off right but I think it be best if I don't show my real personality yet.

The agies or should I say Athrun zala over the open channel " UNSC? I've never heard of it, What is it and who are you?" I expected him to say that so I was ready with a reply.

"We are a indipendant military group that has backing by several members of both the earth forces as well as your own government, this section of space has been designed as a no combat zone, by both forces due to the UNSC having its main base in the vicinity. Now you have 1 minute to comply or I will open fire."

I could tell that wasn't buying it so I decided to add

"I now you don't believe me Athrun zala, but perhaps this will convince you, athrization code Victor.bravo1374. I believe your father told you about that."

Athrun spoke after a minute

" do you now that code and how do you know my name? That shouldn't be possible, i'm going to have to call command to verify this." This would not be a good thing so I decided to press my luck.

"Absolutely not zala, eather comply with the order or die you have 30 seconds to decide or pray."

For the effect to show I wasn't kidding I launched the funnels to surond the agies and then point my blaster at his cockpit.

I could see the hesitation in him. As if he wasn't sure if I was telling the truth or not. but I knew it would work because that code I gave him was one used by the chairman of ZAFT for an off the books mission. Or if you want to be technical a black ops mission.

He had no choice to do what I said due to the fact that if I was telling the truth (witch I wasn't) he would be court marshaled. Even if he was the chairmen ' s son.

"Alright I'll leave, but I have orders to eather capture or destroy that mobile suite. So unless you let me capture him, I'm going to have to deny your order." Athrun said in a confident tone of voice.

I decided to scare him a little so I took aim and shot my blaster at his arm destroying the rifle in its grip.

"That is your final warning zala, by all rights you should be dead by now, but I let you live this long due to who your father is. But if you push me again......I'll kill you."

I said in a perfect match for Heero's voice, it was easy enough to acomplish funny huh. Avalon also made the point by flashing his eyes as well as having the funnels fire a warning shot barley missing the agies.

That got his attention aparently because the next thing he said was

"U..understood sir"

The agies then turned and launched away taking the other suites with him, I still don't know why there are only four Gundam's here the buster should be here to, but I can figure that out later I turn to the Strike and say

"Are you okay man?"

In my normal tone of voice, trying to not to make him see me as an enemy, after all at this part of the show it hadn't been more then a month since the Heliopalise incident so he would be rightfully paranoid.

Mobile suite Gundam seed: Avalon Where stories live. Discover now