The signs tattoos

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aries:something only they think is cool. prbly came up with it while on drugs and nobody wanted to bum them out so they all agreed it was a great idea
taurus:a rlly sweet tattoo for their lover, but got crossed out after they ended it. the problem is that now its becoming a list of crossed-through names
gemini:a classy, simple tattoo, or an overused expression that they somehow make work
cancer:something trendy that they get complimented on every time they leave the house, but look back on five years later when they realize they peaked a long time ago
leo:colorful tattoos covering every inch of skin. none have any meaning, but they start a lot of bar fights
virgo:a quote from their favorite book, prbly small and not visible. the letters can be rearranged to spell something satanic
libra:a cactus or a tree that they talk to on gloomy days
scorpio:a rlly gory one on their thigh that they got while they were drunk, laced with their parents' disappointment and failures
sagittarius:something that takes them 5500 hours to explain, prbly a mountain that exists in a fantastical realm that their dad told them about when blahablahblahblah shut up
capricorn:a series of cute stick n poke cartoons from a swedish children's book
aquarius:three vaguely unsettling tattoos that they got during the worst part of their life: a monster truck, the goddess athena, and a deadly flower
pisces:sad and upsetting to everyone who looks at them, like "the ocean after my first hamster died", a giant black circle covering their left ass cheek

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