Chapter 1: Monday, 7:00 am

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My alarm was going off. What a dreaded sound. I swear it was the most obnoxious sound ever created. I wondered what depths of evil that noise was crafted in. I hit snooze groggily and I tried to remember what I had dreamed about, but to no avail. I laid in bed for a few more minutes, then my Mom poked her head into the room, “Josh, it's time to wake up! You've got that bug science test today.” She said. I couldn't understand how cheery someone could be so early in the morning. I slowly got up out of bed and got dressed. I put on a simple yellow Nike T-shirt and black basketball shorts. Then as I dug around in my drawer for some socks my alarm went off. It scared the living daylights out of me as I jumped away from the dresser. Throwing the pair of socks at the alarm and knocking it to the floor, which also successfully turned it off. I calmed down and went downstairs. I could smell my Moms delicious chocolate-chip waffles from upstairs and all the sudden I felt more energized, running down the stairs and into the kitchen, taking a seat at the table. I was the first one there. “Well someone's a bit excited today, aren't you?” She said to me, then added, “I hope it's for that science test.”

“Ugh, don't even mention that test.” I answered.

“I'm sure you'll do great. How many waffles do you want?” She said as she kissed me on the head. “I'll take two...for now.” I smiled a bit as she put the waffles on my plate. The smell was irresistible. I was about to take a bite when my mom stopped me. “Wait for your siblings, then we'll say a prayer.” I nodded my head but didn't put the fork down. My 5 year old brother Luke came around the corner. He locked like a zombie as he stumbled to the table and wiped his eyes. “Hi Luke!” I said to him. Luke was my favorite sibling. I know, I shouldn't pick favorites but he was so nice to me and he was easily the cutest 5 year old on the planet. He yawned and smiled a little bit at me. “Hi Josh,” he said with a yawn, “Where are my pancakes?” I laughed at the fact he called them pancakes instead of waffles. My mom walked in and greeted Josh also. Then gave him half a waffle and gave him the same don't eat yet talk. My 14 year old sister Jesse walked in. She was really tall for her age, at 6'2” she towered over everyone in the family. And not surprisingly she was the starting Forward on the local middle-school girls basketball team. We played each other out back a lot, and, though I hate to admit she was better at the sport than me. But I didn't mind much because Football was my sport. I was starting Running-back last year even though I was only a freshman on the high-school team. We went to championship game as number one in our division despite being huge underdogs. Our school never had very good sports teams, but we finished 10-2 this year and dominated our playoff game. Then we barely won the championship game 24-20. A late interception saved us and we walked out victorious. I think I'm pretty good if I do say so myself. I ran for 1,300 yards and 13 touchdowns and I had 600 receiving yards with 3 touchdowns...and I returned kick-offs and punts. But I'm done bragging...for now. Jesse was greeted much the same. Finally, my 11 year old brother Harry walked in. He played football too. But he was a Quarterback, and a very good one. He led his team to the playoffs this year despite it being his first year. He threw 20 touchdowns and threw for over 2,000 yards! He came in and sat down and finally he we could eat! “Will you say the prayer Jesse?” My mom asked. She did and we dug in. By the time breakfast was over I had eaten 6 delicious pancakes! I glanced at the clock, it was 7:55 am. I jumped up from the table and quickly rinsed my plate off. “I gotta hurry, school starts in 5 minutes! Thanks mom!” I said as I hugged her. Then I said goodbye to all my siblings giving them all hugs. I was the only one still in school since I was the only High-schooler in the family at age 16. I ran out the door and all the way to school, which was only a few blocks away.

I wished I had said better good-byes.

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