Chapter 3

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If looks could kill

Katherine, my younger sister, and I were in the living room watching The Little Mermaid with the fan on. It was super HOT so we had the front door open, letting in the night fresh air. Suddenly the door from my parent's room opened with my mom barging out as tears ran down her face. She grabbed the car keys and left the house without a word. It's 9:00 PM. My dad came out later from the room and sat on the couch. He didn't say anything. I could feel the tension in the air. I went to my room and called my mom, no answer. My heart started beating fast. What could have happened? My mom never goes out this late. Why isn't she picking up? It's freaking me out. Why was she crying!? Katherine came into my room, she had no idea what was going on, but I could tell she knew something was off too. I had to call Allan, something's wrong. My brother Allan lived with his pregnant wife. I dialed his number and waited for him to pick up.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Allan, something's wrong you think you can come over?" My voice was off. He was quiet for a while.

"I'm on my way." He replied. I thought it was weird that he didn't ask any questions, I guess he heard the edge on my voice.

Beep. Beep. Beep. I turned off the alarm. Tuesday. I sighed. My throat felt raspy from my crying last night. I do not want to go back to school... not after yesterday. I buried my head on my pillow and willed myself to get up. I'll just avoid Drake the whole day. I got up and did the same routine as yesterday. I then grabbed the keys to the condo and left. I'm walking it from now on seeing as the school is just around the corner. I'll just have to endure the weather. As I walked I felt paranoid. I kept looking around me, making sure Drake wouldn't pop up.

Once I got to school I hurried to first period before the bell rang. The morning went by like a blur. After 3rd period I walked with Jess to lunch.

"So what happened yesterday?" She asked amused yet weary to hear about my "date."

"Nothing. The team won so that was cool. Why didn't you go?" I asked changing the subject. I played with my necklace, a usual habit of mine when I get nervous. I know our team won due to Drake being super angry about it.

"I wanted to go, but it was my little brother's birthday." She said. "A quick warning though: if you're interested in Drake and you're planning on taking things serious... be careful, he is not one to mess around with." She warned. I gritted my teeth.

"You could have told me that yesterday." I stated a bit angry without thinking about it. She gave me a questioning look, but I shook my head and she dropped it making me grateful. I can't blame anyone else, but myself for that incident. We got our lunch and sat down on the table we were on yesterday. This time though, I made sure there were people around me so Drake wouldn't come by and sit next to me like yesterday. I looked around the cafeteria and saw him glaring at me. I got goose bumps automatically. I now understand the saying, 'If looks could kill.' His lip is swollen from the punch he took. He also had a bandage on his nose. Good. He deserves it.

Drake kept his death glare one me making my heart race. I quickly looked away gulping. I kept the tears at bay and breathed in deeply. I am not look forward to Art. I started thinking back to yesterday, the way he touched me and spoke to me as if I were a prized possession. I shuddered, feeling a sob coming.

"You sure you don't wanna talk about it?" Jess asked me. She looked at me worriedly with a knowing look. I looked at her wide-eyed and shook my head. I would be mortified if anyone finds out. I feel stupid for going out with him. Jess sighed and gave me a small smile. "Fine. What do you say we go across the street and get a cup of coffee?" She asked. I grinned, trying to forget about Drake.

"What are we still doing here?" I asked. I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the exit while she chuckled. I love coffee! It's an addiction. Her friends were in la la land so they didn't bother paying us any mind.

Once we got our coffee we took a seat on a booth.

"So... what did you mean about Drake?" I asked Jess curiously. Jess took a sip of her coffee before pursing her lips. I felt much more comfortable now that Drake wasn't around.

"I've heard rumors. Some say he uses girls for his pleasure. Others say he abuses girls. Plenty of bad rumors." She says frowning. "Did he do anything yesterday?" She asked concerned. I looked away. I know one rumor is a fact.

"I'd rather not talk about it." I grimaced looking at her apologetically. She waved it off.

"It's fine. But if you won't tell me then you can no longer go out with him." She said. I wasn't even thinking about going out with him again.

"I am definitely never going out with him again. Plus, his friends seem..." I couldn't find the word to describe them.

"Scary? Freaky? Pricks? Molesters? Pedophiles? Druggies? Any of those will fit into their description." Jess said making me chuckle and nod.

"Yea." I agreed.


Picture of Jessica on the side -->

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