Chapter 15

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Memories from the basketball game came flooding back. I didn't know what he was capable of back then, but I sure as hell do now and I'm scared - no, I'm terrified. Why can't he just leave me alone?! That sick bastard. How could Emily be around him? Oh right, they're both wrong in the head! I shivered. I faintly heard the front door open and people talking, but I made nothing of it. I felt frozen in place. I want to throw up. 

"Melody?" I heard Chris whisper in my ear making me snap out of my frozen state.

"Sorry, what?" I mumbled. I tried turning off my emotions. I can't freak out in front of him.

"You OK?" I heard Donna ask seated on the other couch. How and when did she get there? Luke popped up and sat next to her sharing the same concerned face.

"Uh, yea. I zoned out." I said making Donna and Luke nod. I blinked a couple times to get rid of the tears that wanted to come.

"So what do you all want for dinner?" Donna asked still looking at me in concern.

"Oo Lasagna! Your lasagna is bomb!" Lesly said appearing from behind Chris and I. I forgot about dinner.

"Yea I-"

"Actually, I'm not going to be able to stay for dinner." I said interrupting Donna. I stood up. Luke and Donna shared confused glances while Lesly and Chris shared knowing ones. "Sorry." I said giving them an apologetic smile. I went to Chris' room to get my wet clothes. I have to get out of here. I'm starting to feel claustrophobic. I can only control my emotions for so long.

"Mels..." I heard Chris say. I looked up to see him standing in the doorway.

"Why?" I asked. He gave me a confused look not understanding my question. "Why doesn't he just leave me alone - leave us alone? I don't get it." I sighed exasperated.

"I got this." Lesly told Chris coming up behind him. She put her hand on his shoulder signalling him to leave. She sighed after he left and closed the door behind her. She sat on the bed and patted the spot next to her so I could sit there. I continued to take deep breaths.

"Do you know why?" I asked her tiredly.

"I'm not sure if what I'm going to tell you is the answer behind your question, but I can tell you something else that might help give you other answers which will lead to your main one." She said with a frown that I'm sure is also plastered on my face. I don't even think she understood what she just said. She took a deep breath and faced me completely. We both sat criss cross. "When my mom was alive... Chris was happy, outgoing - like he is now. My mom- our mom - then got sick and Chris and dad took it hard. I'm sure he told you it was only my dad that was in a depression, but no, Chris also fell into depression. It was bad. He would spend most of his time with our mom, he was a mommy's boy." She giggled. "I was more of a daddy's girl. Anyways, after mom left, Chris grew distant from Emily." She snorted. "I never liked her, she was such a fake, but Chris was oblivious. I'm off topic, back to what I was saying. My mom passed away and that outgoing happy kid that Chris was died along with my mom." A tear fell down her face. I held onto her hand and gave her a small smile. "Time passed and Emily and Chris broke up. I'm not sure what happened between them, Chris never told me. Although,I believe Drake had something to do with it. You see, when my Dad started seeing Cruella, Drake right off the bat hated us, especially Chris. We didn't care. Besides, we never gave him a reason to hate us. Drake made it his mission to make our lives a living hell. When you transferred, my brother right away had his eyes on you. That spark in his eyes was there again. Anyways, on your first day at school Chris told me that during some period, he and Daniel were talking about you. Chris wanted to ask you out to the basketball game, but he chickened out." She rolled her eyes.

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