Chapter 5

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"Hey kiddo." My dad greeted me with a smile. He was getting ready for work.

"You're doing night shifts?" I asked sort of bummed out. Being alone is the last thing I wanted and needed.

"Yea. I'm sorry, night shifts were the only opening they had for intersession. I only went in yesterday morning to talk to my boss." My dad said looking at me apologetically, I smiled at him and shrugged trying not to show him how much it was affecting me inside. He's an architecture teacher at NYU, of course he's going to be busy. "Don't worry this semester is short. It should be over soon and I'll get a new schedule. I made two sandwiches for you, they're in the kitchen. I have to go now so I'll see you tomorrow." He said giving me a kiss on the top of my head.

"Alright. Thanks dad, bye." I said. So it was just me. I got the phone and decided to call Allan.

"Hello?" He answer on the 2nd ring.

"Hey!" I felt warm and touched once I heard his voice. I miss him so much. Out of nowhere I started feeling sentimental. Hearing his voice is making me sad.

"Hey Melody! How are you? Sorry I haven't gotten a chance to call you." He said apologetic. I breathed in and out trying to calm my emotions.

"It's OK. I'm... good, so is dad. But I miss home... I miss all of you." I said trying not to cry.

"I miss you too." He said. "How is the new school?"

Damn. I wish he hadn't asked about that...I can still smell the alcohol off of him making me want to barf. The way he held me while I was trapped, when he was touching my body, unzipping my sweater... unbuttoning my jeans... Touching me... I shuddered... when he groped on my underwear... my eyes grew watery.

"What happened?" He asked. My silence gave away that something was wrong. I cleared my throat away from the phone so my voice wouldn't crack.

"Nothing. Its fine, it's just... it's not the same. It's not home."

"I know..." He said, his voice trailing off. "I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to go, I'm at work right now and I'm not allowed to talk on the phone; I'll keep you updated on the baby." He told me. I smiled at the reminder of the baby. Janet, my brother's wife, was 8 months pregnant now, almost ready to pop.

"Alright. Say Hi to Janet for me!"

"I will. Bye Kiddo." Allan said. I held the phone to my ear for what felt like forever. The other line was silent. I sighed and put it down.

I was alone. I looked out the window staring at the rain falling remembering the night that changed everything.

"Hey where's dad?" Allan asked when he got home. He was panicking when he noticed that Katherine and I were crying hysterically.

"H-h-he l-left." I couldn't speak right.

"OK wait, first calm down." He waited until I was calmer. I breathed in and out shakily. "What do you mean 'he left'?" Allan asked. I took in a deep breath again to control my voice. It worked.

"H-he said he was going to grandma's. He said that my mom shouldn't be the one that should leave; it should be him so he left. He got a bag and put his belongings in there and just left and my mom's not picking up her phone." I rambled and began crying again.

I snapped out of it and went to my room to do my homework. Once I was finished I fell asleep.


Another pic of Melody -->

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