Chapter 23

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A repeated beeping noise woke me up making me annoyed. I opened my eyes slowly, wincing at the brightness. Once my eyes were open I was shocked at my surroundings. Everything was white, and I mean everything. I looked down and saw that I was in a blue gown. There was a needle inserted onto my right hand. I grimaced. I tried sitting up, making me yell out in pain. My stomach!

"Melody!" Chris yelled from the corner of the room. Where did he come from? "Are you ok?" He asked worryingly, now standing next to the bed. "What hurts?"

"My stomach." I said in a raspy voice. I cleared my throat making a small pain come from my stomach again. "What-" I started, about to ask him what happened and where I was, but then I shut up, remembering everything that happened with Drake making my heart rate go faster. The beeping noise started beeping more rapidly as well. I looked over towards the noise and realized it was the heart monitor. I scrunched up my nose. That's going to be embarrassing. Aren't there monitors that don't make any noise? Chris stroked my left cheek.

"The nurse is on her way." He said. "You scared me." He said his voice shaken.

"I'm sorry." I said to him. He gave me a small smile and kissed my lips, leaving them there for a few seconds. Throughout those seconds though, my heart melted and started beating faster, causing the heart monitor to do the same. I grumbled. Chris chuckled.

"That's going to be entertaining." He said. I chuckled a bit, but then hissed at the pain, but this time the pain not only came from my stomach, it came from my right cheek as well. Chris frowned concerned. The nurse entered making Chris step back.

"Hi, sweetie. How are you feeling?" She asked me. I smiled at her, but then stopped when my cheek hurt again.

"In pain." I said truthfully.

"Where do you feel the pain?" She asked checking the monitor.

"My stomach and my cheeks." I said to her.

"On a scale of 1-10. 1 being the least amount of pain and 10 being the most, what would you rate it?" She asked.

"8 for my stomach and 6  for my cheek." She nodded and inserted a liquid into a bag that was connected to the small tubes that went with the needle on my hand. As she did this she asked me several questions. What's my name, what city do I live in, and what year is it. I got a perfect score.

"Ok, I put in some antibiotics for you so the pain should go away. For now you should rest. The doctor will come in later." She instructed. I nodded. She checked a few things on the monitor before leaving.

"What day is it?" I asked Chris. He walked over next to me and intertwined my hand that didn't have the needle.

"Monday." He said making my eyes widen.

"Oh shit School!" I said about to get up again, but Chris held me down.

"Don't get up, you're going to hurt yourself." He ordered. I sighed.

"You're not going to let me do anything these next few days are you?" I asked him knowingly. He smiled and gave me a peck again making my heart do a double beat. He chuckled.

"I think I'm going to love this heart monitor." He said looking at it. I blushed and cursed at myself. "And you're right, but it's not just for a few days... The doctor said it'll take about a full six weeks for you to recover completely." Chris said looking down at me with a sorrow look.

"Six weeks!?" I said appalled. "Wait what does that mean though? Can I not get up? What about when I need to shower or what about school?" I asked already stressing out. I threw my head back onto the pillow and closed my eyes.

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