Chapter 4

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Tyler picked at the hem of his shirt, frayed fabric starting to show for his constant habit, as he avoided the gaze of his psychologist.

Her name was Melissa and she had barely let Tyler sit down before asking, "Before we start can I ask how your week was? What kind of things happened?"

There was the click of a pen as the psychologist got ready to start writing notes, he'd asked to see what she'd been writing one session and he had decided after seeing them that he'd rather not know anything else she wrote after that. She agreed too.

It was always hard for Tyler to collect his thoughts enough to recount how his week had been, always ending his responses with vague mumbling and shrugging. The only reason he really still saw Melissa was because of his parents and the fact that seeing someone reassured them that Tyler was probably getting better even if he really wasn't. He didn't see how talking to someone for an hour every fortnight helped but he wasn't about to voice that to anyone.

Today however Tyler at least had a different response to his usual reply and he scratched absentmindedly at his neck before looking up at his waiting psychologist.

"It was kind of weird, that red head guy I mentioned keeps coming into the library." Tyler squinted at nothing in particular on the floor, "this time though he fell? And it turns out his name is Josh and he's actually kind of cute? Really annoying and I want to throw the books at him but cute." He wasn't too sure where to go with it after that although he managed to add in "Oh and I've started writing again? I guess."

Melissa offered Tyler a smile after scribbling down quickly in her notebook, "you're writing again, that's good! What made you start doing that again?" she tried to ask Tyler who had gone back to pulling at his shirt.

"I'm not really sure. Just had more stuff to let out I guess." He didn't really have an answer for it, he had just found it in him to slowly start to pick up the pen and use its ink again. It was usually a sign that he was doing better than usual though.

"What kind of things?" she replied, Tyler just shrugged.

"I don't know. I don't really pay that much attention to things like that" seemed to satisfy his psychologist. He thought it was a bit of silly question to ask him but he wasn't the one who had a degree so he kept his mouth shut beyond that.

She nodded vigorously "Fair enough, what about Josh? You said he was cute?"

"Uh, what about it? I mean he'll probably show up again this week but yeah," Tyler really wasn't sure what else she expected him to say. She clearly was expecting a different answer however as she seemed tempted to try ask more about Josh but instead just wrote something down in her notepad.

Tyler shifted uncomfortably on the sofa; he glanced up at the painting on the wall to his right. It was just simple, colourful, with geometric shapes and lines. He suddenly realised how tired he was.


Every day that week Tyler had always kept a broom close by, he hadn't been kidding when he said he would chase Josh out with it the next time he saw it. He had even started placing a few under bookshelves when he knew Jenna wasn't around and was furtively checking the entrance for the Red Headed Menace.

Today however Tyler had his nose buried in a book as he sat behind the checkout desk, the library practically empty. He didn't read much but when something caught his attention Tyler would be determined to finish the book as fast as he could, especially this one. His two favourite genres of comedy and horror had been combined into one entertaining novel and god dammit Tyler was going to finish it before his shift ended.

There was the occasional sound of footsteps as his co-worker, Patrick, slowly made his way through the returns. It was a comfortable silence to Tyler and he appreciated someone else putting the books away for once.

Should have brought my library card because I wanna check you out / joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now