Chapter 6

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Lucky for Tyler Halloween night was a lot colder than any other night they'd had in October so far as he covered his face in paint and donned on a suit. He and Jenna had spent at least an hour in the staff break room at the library looking through all of Jenna's bookmarked pages just as she'd promise as well as a lot of the pair of them googling costume images before finally deciding on designs. Tyler didn't want to admit it but he'd been so busy working on their outfits that he'd forgotten Josh was going to be there and immediately his cheeks went bright in the mirror, he hoped no one would be able to tell after he'd finished his face paint.

Jenna was seated on Tyler's bed with a hand held mirror of her own as she slowly and deliberately patted the paint down on her skin, Tyler wasn't sure he'd ever seen her so still and precise before. The white paint that coated his face along with the shaded exaggeration of his cheek bones made him look gaunt and deathly, after he'd finished shading in the area around his eyes he was careful about the jaw and teeth. Jenna eventually came over and helped Tyler put the finishing touches on his face as she carefully shaded in parts of his face and made his painted on teeth look whiter and realistic, they were both trying to stay still despite their absolute giddiness.

"So," Jenna hummed, "you excited to see what Josh wears tonight?" she had started on touching up the hollow black around his eyes.

Tyler groaned in response although he had a small smile on his lips, "Jenna, why don't you just date him if you like him so much already?"

"Because I'm not the one he swaps those silly books every week for attention from." Jenna giggled and Tyler's throat had gone dry.

After she had finished both of their faces they'd applied the black contacts, making it extremely difficult to differentiate between what was black face paint and what was the black of their eyes. Tyler was especially proud of their outfits, especially his suit jacket where he'd spent a night painting a spine up the back of it. He had definitely put a lot more attention into Jenna's dress however as he meticulously sewed small white beads into parts of the ruffled and layered fabric eventually making rib bones out of the beads as well as intricate small patterns along the hem of the black dress. While Tyler had opted for black skinny jeans Jenna had decided on a pair of skeleton tights that she already had stuffed in her wardrobe. Tyler couldn't help but be ridiculously proud of their team effort as he stood in front of the full length mirror was Jenna by his side.

"We look like the classiest skeletons to ever roam the earth," Jenna nudged Tyler and she did a little spin with her dress flying out around her. She had also thanked Tyler about five hundred times at this point for taking the time to decorate the dress for her and Tyler had gone beet red every time.

"We really do but we should go if we actually want anyone else to see our work," Tyler said.

Jenna nodded her head resolutely, "Smart thinking Ty, let's roll." She proceeded to link arms with him and practically skip out of the room with a surprised Tyler in tow.


Josh wasn't sure if he had turned up early to the Halloween party but all he was certain about what that Tyler definitely wasn't there yet and Josh definitely didn't know a single person there. His anxiety flared up slightly as he self-consciously crossed his arms across his chest, the tight binder making it slightly hard for Josh to catch his breath although it's tightness comforted him a little bit.

Looking around he found that a lot of people at the party weren't actually employees, Jenna had definitely been right when she'd told him that it was mostly just an excuse to bring all of their friends together for a party. There wasn't a single person who wasn't in a costume although some were quite lazy. As lazy as the guy wearing a cardboard sign that simply said 'NUDIST ON STRIKE' over what he assumed was normal attire he had to admire the creativity clearly at work there. Although Josh couldn't really say anything since all he had really done was glue empty cereal boxes onto his clothes and stabbed at them with forks before splattering fake blood everywhere, Josh was a simple man with simple tastes.

Should have brought my library card because I wanna check you out / joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now