Chapter 5

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"Tyler! My wonderful small innocent mouse Tyler."

He groaned and banged his head on the cabinet he was standing next to, not even hiding out in the break room was enough to stop Jenna from hunting him down. She approached giddy and smiled brightly as Tyler tried to offer her a smile back.

"What do you want my adoring excitable could-fire-me-if-she-wanted-to boss?" He mumbled to her in response and set down the bottle of water he had been holding, Jenna immediately grabbed in hands.

"You know how it's Halloween soon right? Shush you, don't give me that look," she nudged Tyler, "anyway we're having a staff Halloween party here and we should go in matching costumes! Wouldn't that be great?" Jenna had practically started bouncing on her feet, blonde hair slightly jumping with her.

Tyler immediately brightened at the question. He loved Halloween, he loved the costumes, the candy, the music, the trick or treating, the kids, everything. He also loved doing couple and group costumes, his friends often letting him design them in the past years so that the whole group looked spooky and ready to scare whatever party they were attending.

Jenna poked his stomach playfully when she saw how excited Tyler was, "aha! I knew you'd love the idea, no one could hate Halloween!" She picked up a muffin that she had set down beside her and bit into it, "anyway it's this Saturday and you can bring friends if you want! We don't have too many employees here so we're pretty relaxed on how many people you bring."

Tyler had his ribs crushed as she wrapped her arms around him and started up her jumping again, he didn't mind though he liked seeing Jenna so happy. "What kind of costumes were you thinking of?" he managed to ask when he got his breath back.

"I'm not sure yet, I'll come in with my laptop tomorrow with all of my bookmarks and we can go through it! We're gonna have the best costumes in the whole state Ty." She hugged Tyler again before leaving the break room with her half eaten muffin.

It was weirdly quiet without Jenna's bubbly atmosphere in the room, it creeped Tyler out having to listen to nothing but the quiet hum of the refrigerator. Picking up his phone he made his way back out and heard the faint voice of Jenna conversing with someone and as he made his way closer he realised who it was.

"Tyler, hey!" Josh waved him over with a huge grin on his face, Jenna besides him had the slyest grin that Tyler had ever seen.

Tyler stuck his hands into the pockets of his hoodie and regarded Josh suspiciously. "You haven't swapped the books yet have you?" his tone was accusing and Jenna rolled her eyes.

"You'll have to go check." Josh cackled before Jenna jumped in between him and Tyler and placed her hands on her waist triumphantly.

"Tyler! I was just talking to Josh about Halloween and he should definitely come to the employee party as your guest." Tyler just wanted to tell her she was louder than the maximum noise for a library but instead he just shook his head.

"Don't you have better things to do than annoy me and my social life?" he asked Jenna, grumpiness was evident in his voice and the blonde simply snorted in laughter.

She patted Tyler on the head, "yes, I definitely do but they're not as fun." She left the pair, claiming to have new books to organise and even politely shook Josh's hand before making her leave.

Josh's face had warmed slightly and an almost awkward silence came over them, shifting from one foot to another Tyler didn't really know what to say.

"Uh, if it makes you uncomfortable or whatever I won't come to the party, don't worry about it man." Josh's voice was uncertain and he refused to make eye contact with the taller boy.

Tyler's eyes widened, "no, it's ok! Sorry if I came off like that, I'm just a little tired of Jenna's antics." He let out a small laugh and absently scratched the back of his head.

Josh had his arm's crossed over his chest giving him an almost angry demeanour but his face had broken out into a huge grin that reached his eyes. "Sick! Guess I'll be seeing you on Saturday then." He patted Tyler on the shoulder and started making his way to the library exit before Tyler called out for him.

"Maybe we should exchange numbers, just so you get the time and stuff right?" Tyler suggested quietly and the other boy whipped his phone out as Tyler took his out.

They swapped phones and Tyler entered his number along with his name, he passed the phone back as Josh also handed his phone back to him and finally made his way out the entrance.
A few second later his phone buzzed in his hand.

ur cool bff: also yeah i did swap the books

Should have brought my library card because I wanna check you out / joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now