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"Merry Christmas!"

There was a groan next to Josh accompanied by a shift of the warm body wrapped around him, he didn't need to open his eyes to tell that it was Jenna in his room and Tyler in his bed. Burying his face deeper into the pillow he reached out for Tyler and wrapped his arms around his ridiculously cosy boyfriend.

"Come on, it's time for presents!" She ripped the blanket off the two boys causing an eruption of yelling and thrashing as they both became exposed to the biting morning chill and huddled together for warmth. Josh could hear Jenna snort in laughter and mentally cursed her as he refused to open his eyes still.

"Did you not manage to get the love birds out of bed?" Ryan's voice appeared and before Josh could react he felt a pair of hands grasp his feet, he opened his eyes to find Jenna attempting to drag him out of bed.

Tyler, realising what was going on, clutched to Josh and refused to let Jenna move him until Ryan grabbed his feet too and suddenly the couple were both being pulled away from their warm bed.

"Aaardggh!" Tyler yelled unintelligibly as Ryan succeeded in pulling him off the bed and onto the floor with Josh following soon afterwards. Eventually standing up Josh glared at Jenna who simply gave him a laugh and left the room; Ryan helped pull Tyler off the floor and offered a half-hearted apology while he grinned much to Tyler's disdain.

Feeling Tyler immediately lean on Josh in his sleepy state he pulled him in for a crushing hug and landed a small kiss on Tyler's forehead. "Good morning," Josh mumbled.

"It's not good until I have coffee," Tyler managed to say before stepping away and grabbing Josh's hand clumsily. "Presents first however."

"Of course," Josh said and he followed his boyfriend out into the lounge room. He still couldn't help but smile to himself whenever he thought of Tyler as his boyfriend, this adorable and wonderful person standing in front of him. Even in Tyler's half asleep state with his hair sticking up in every direction and a ratty old sweatshirt from his alma mater Josh still felt butterflies jump into action in his gut every time Tyler even glanced at him.

This year for Christmas most of their friends has agreed to spend the holiday together with Josh and Brendon volunteering their house for the occasion. Josh and his friends usually did this however this year was even more crowded as Tyler and his friends were invited to join the festivities and Mark had said that he could put up with Tyler and Josh being romantic long enough for Christmas food. The lounge room was still covered in blow up mattresses and blankets and most of the people who had slept there on Christmas Eve had staked their sleeping spot as their place to sit for the presents while everyone else either sat on the sofa or found a spare space on the beds. The Christmas tree this year was wildly decorated with tinsel and candy canes and baubles along with a pair of underpants that someone had anonymously and graciously left on the tree. Underneath the presents sprawled out, creating mountains and valleys of cheesy wrapping paper in the room and Brendon stood next to the presents shirtless with his hands on his hips and a santa hat on his head.

"Gather around children, I am the officially appointed present giver this year!" Brendon called out to the room acting as if he didn't take up this role every year.

Josh and Tyler squished themselves onto the couch in between a sleepy Mark and one of Brendon's close friends Pete, when Tyler had seen him at the Urie-Dun residence on Christmas Eve they both cheered and clapped each other on the back. Tyler later admitted that Pete's boyfriend worked a the library with him.

"Think you can manage to stay awake long enough for the presents?" Josh asked as Tyler covered his mouth as a yawn escaped.

"Josh you could deprive me of sleep for the entire year until Christmas and I would still sit through opening presents."

Should have brought my library card because I wanna check you out / joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now