We were in my room chillin'. It was Tyga, Chris, and I. Trey left and went to get some ass. Were were sitting down on the floor, and Ty was passing the blunt to Chris. I didn't want to smoke and I knew that they were going to make me. It was irritating as fuck.
Chris passed it to me and I shook my head. He tickled me and put it in my mouth. I stood there frozen and he just laughed.
" Inhale, exhale. " Chris said.
I just did what he said. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't a good thing either. I socked him in his chest while he was smoking it. He coughed and I started laughing. I stood up and sat back down. I felt dizzy, and I know that one time was going to get to me.
" Damn woman!! Why you hit me! " Chris yelled.
" Because I wasn't supposed to smoke that shit!! " My eyes started turning red, as I remembered that I was supposed to be a good girl.
I jumped Chris and started choking him. Being high and mad isn't a good combonation for me. I get it from my mom. That's what grandma told me. I started crying, missing my mom.
I let go of Chris and started rocking myself. I hated thinking about her, causeI never got to experience having a mom, and it hurted bad.
Arms were around me in a second, and it was Tyga. I cried into his chest. After a while I pushed myself from him and went to Chris. I told him I was sorry and he forgave me. I gave him a hug and sat on his lap. I saw something flash in Tyga's eyes but I didn't know what it was. I didn't think about it much.
But I wanted to know what was wrong....................