better off dead a bvb love story-chapter 5

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(ashleys pov)

"u should have said something man! now shes with cc and you bought this stupid necklas for nothign! but  i mean she like me didnt she? no! she might have beform but now she likes cc just be happy for them!" i thought i wasing saying to myself but was really whispering it aloud jake and andy caught up

"hey man whats wrong?!?! wait did i just hear you right?!?!?! u like alex! since when?!" and asked

"for a while now...but u cant tell her! promise me u wont!" i begged

"why not!" jake asked looking puzzled

"cuz she likes cc and cc likes her! thats why!" i yelled i looked back cc and alex haddint noticed what i had yelled i sighed in relief as we got to the car andy and jake kept giving me weird looks after we got everything in the car we all piled in this time though andy didnt have to wait alex grabbed the seat belt and got closer to cc after they buckled in cc wraped his arms around her waist holding her tight and she wrapped her arms around his neck and put her head on his chest she sighed and cc kissed the top of her head they both fell aslleep i stared at them for a while then out the window tears thretining to spill andy kept looking in the mirror at me jake was air guttaring one of his solos (we had the cd in) and jinxx didnt notice a thing because he was to busy txting sammi we got home 15 min later jinxx shoke cc awake but not alex i watched as cc gently pulled her out just as he did he carried her into the house i helped with the bags i walked in and there was no sign of them....

(cc pov)

i woke up to jinxx shaking me gently i looked at him sleeply and he put a finger to his lips telling me to shut up i looked down and smiled alex was fast asleep i gently took her out and walked into the house thank god we all had a room at each others houses i walked into mine and set her doen on the bead i took my shirt and shoes off and then took her shoes off and set them near the bed i got in next to her and wrapped my arms around her she cuddled up closer to me i smiled and kissed her forehead "you like her man! i know you do! how? dude im your consouse just ask her out already she likes u to! what if she says no? she wont! but ashley likes her to! well sucks for him he should of spoke up sooner then! just ask her!" i sighed and fell asleep

better off dead a bvb love story-chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now