Chapter Four!

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How was the last chapter? Were you kinda shocked that they already met before, or did you get that from the hints that i left? ^-^

Anyways here's chapter four

 you'll find out who that at the side is later :)


Dead silence. That was all that filled the room for about five whole minutes. Oh that and an awkward staring contest between Gaara and I. How could I not remember him? For a ninja I guess my memory isn't that good, either that or the fact that I chose to forget most of my childhood. 

There was a knock at the door before some guy with a cat-eared hood and purple make-up on his face entered the room, "Hey Gaara some anbu just came in and they want to speak with you."

He glanced at me for a moment before looking at Kian who is walking around my hospital bed protectively. He stops and lays his ears down as he growls at the guy, making him look back to me.

I sigh and motion for Kian to stop "It's fine boy, I don't think that they will harm us."

The boy looks like he wants to say something but before he does Gaara turns to him, "kankuro, stay with Reima while i deal with the situation outside."

What? Why him, why couldn't I get Temari to babysit me? Wait, why do I even need a babysitter? That's just unfair I would be perfectly fine by myself, it's not like I would try to run away. Not only is my leg injured but i'm pretty exhausted from almost dying. Besides five bucks says that this hospital is towards the middle of the village. Which means that if i did try to run away, I probably wouldn't get far. 

"Why do I have to stay with wolf-girl and her pack of dogs?" The guy called Kankuro says irritably. 

Now it's my turn to growl, hey if you're practically raised by wolves then growling comes naturally. He looks at me surprised and then turns back to Gaara, "See she could bite me or something, let Temari watch her."

"YES!!" I cry. Kankuro looks back at me with a face that says that my comment wasn't necessary.

I look at him and then Gaara, "Sorry,but as you can obviously tell; this," I say motioning between Kankuro and myself, " isn't going to work out."

"Agreed, now if you will excuse me I'm going to find Temari." Kankuro says stepping past Gaara and heading out the door with the Kazekage in tow.

So after all that arguing I'm left alone. Sounds good to me! I see Banshee tell Kian something before the young wolf disappears in a cloud of smoke. Looks like he went back to Ookami Forest with the rest of the pack.  A yawn slips out of my mouth so I decide to take a much need nap.


"Reima, where are you dear? It's bed time my little pup!"

I giggle as my grandmother searches our house for my hiding spot. My little five year old self hides under my bed while Haru, my grandmother's wolf sniffs around the room. Her large purple ears twitch as I back up further into the darkness of under my bed. She stops moving then walks out of my view, another giggle slips out of my mouth when I think that i've avoided capture. Suddenly I am pulled out by my dress and a squeal echoes in the once quiet room. 

"Thought that you couldn't be caught did you?" Haru's muffled laugh comes from behind me. I turn my small body and find her holding the collar of my shirt in her mouth. 

She drops me as my grandmother enters the room, "Good job Haru, I was beginning to think that Reima actually disappeared this time." she says patting her Friend's soft purple and black fur

"Okay time for bed sweetheart,"

"Yes Grandma," I laugh with a closed eyed smile. My small hands clutch to the bed covers as I struggle to climb into my ironically large bed. I feel Haru's snout under me as my body is boosted up and I fall face first into the soft pillows.

My grandma tucks the covers under my body as I grab my blue teddy bear. I glance to the small bed table to my right and reach for the picture in the silver and turquoise frame. It has a man with tan skin, black hair and golden eyes standing next to a woman with the same black hair but it has highlights of white,also her eyes have a black iris and a white pupil. My mother and father look down happily at a little girl with the same skin and hair. The color of her eyes is unknown because they have yet to open up.

"Grandma...why did mommy and daddy have to die? Was it because of me?" I ask while gently drawing circles over their smiling faces. They died while protecting something precious to them,but for some reason no one will tell me what it was.

A sympathetic expression crosses her face before she leans down and kisses my forehead, "No of course not sweety. They died protecting something that they cared deeply for, it was their decision to give their life in order to keep it safe."

I nod and put the picture back, "What were they protecting?"

"That's enough talking for now, go to bed Rei." 

She gets up and walks out of my room with Haru fallowing after her. Giving me one last sympathetic glance, she turns and leaves the room with her long black and white highlighted hair swishing behind her. Why won't anybody tell me?



Who the hell is so noisy? I'm trying to sleep here!! I open my eyes to find Banshee and Temari hovering over my bed with confused expressions plastered on their faces. What haven't they seen someone sleep before?

"May I help you with something, or are you just going to stare all day?" I say sitting up.

"You were your sleep." 

I look towards Temari and then to Banshee, "...How much did you hear?"

"Not alot, but it was enough. You were talking about your parents Rei." Banshee says laying his massive furry head on my lap. "You were saying that they died for something precious, what was it?"

I look at him then to the ground "It's nothing really. My parents died doing what was right, that's all you need to know for now."

'Yeah right, they died because of me' I want to add 

"Reima... they died protecting us. That in itself is a noble cause, any parent would die for their child." Kuremeah reassures me.

"That doesn't mean that it wasn't my fault.." I accidentally say out loud.

"What?" Temari and my Protector say in unison

Well so much for keeping my past under raps...


so how was this one? please please leave comments. this one is more of a filler chapter i guess, nothing really important happened. anyways you know the drill



GO GO GO!!!!!

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