Chapter Five!

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OK so I've had someone message me saying that the story is going too fast. the way that I like to do my fanfics is, tell you readers almost everything at the beginning and then leave the REALLY important stuff for later. besides you have to know theses things in order to understand the stuff that's yet to come.



Crap, I really did it now. How am I supposed t tell them that my parents died because my family tried to kill me? I guess it's inevitable, I mean nobody can keep their past a secret forever. Still, please let a giant lightning bolt hit the building and distract them so I can get out of this mess!

"Reima, what do you mean that it was your fault?" Banshee asks me. I can't lie to him, he's always stuck through everything with me.

Just as I'm about to try and explain my stomach roars, letting out a sound that shouldn't even be humanly possible. Everyone glances around at each other as I put a hand on my trembling stomach.

"Oh yeah, we haven't eaten anything since we got attacked. Damn, nothing to eat for twenty-four hours; I'm surprised that you havn't complained Ban," I laugh, making him lift his head off my bedside.

"Reima, you have been unconscious for three whole days. I had a small meal just before you woke up."

At this my laughing stops immediately. Three days?! I didn't realise that I was out that long, I thought that for sure I was only down for a day. Hold on, if I've been out for that long that means that I haven't eaten anything for three whole days!!

"Food. Please I beg of you, bring me food. I don't care what type,or how it got here.Just feed me!!" I beg as the hunger sinks deeper into my mind and stomach.  Kankuro was smart to have left, I probably would have bitten him,not just from aggravation either. 

Temari gets up and heads to the door in a hurry. When she opens it a man in a Sand Village vest turns and listens as she tells him something. I lean to the side and try to listen to what she is telling him,but almost fall off the bed while doing so.

He bows and walks off while she closes the door and smiles, " They will see what they can do."

Something passes through my thoughts as I smile back and it makes me wonder. "Hey Temari? Um why are you being so nice. That Kankuro guy acts like I'm a nuisance and even Gaara, oh I'm sorry I mean your Kazekage, seems really distant."  

She seems to think for a moment before her eyes become serious, "I don't know. Honestly I'm not really this nice to people I've just met. But for some reason your presence makes me feel happy I guess, it's almost like I've found an old friend or something. As for my brothers, ignore them. Kankuro always has something that irritates him and Gaara's always been pretty distant from people."

I nod looking into her teal eyes, hmm teal eyes and blond hair. She said that it was almost like she had found and old friend. I wonder if she was the other person that I met while visiting here. She also said her brothers, so Gaara and make-up guy are related to her. Why can't I shake this feeling, it's like something is trying to push it's self out of the darkness of my mind. 

"Maybe I've met you before, I used to visit here when I was little. My village and your were allies, and since my grandmother was in charge of the Land of Tundra we came here a lot." 

She looks surprised and a bit unsure, "Well can you remember anything from then? I can't really recall anything like that but maybe you can."

Remember.... I guess I can try. My memories are locked away in one part of my brain, all the memories from before we had to flee. I still know that it happened I just can't recall many details. I close my eyes and take in a breath, it's now or never I guess.

' Kuremeah... I want you to release the lock on my memories from back then. I want to know if I actually did have friends somewhere.'

'Are you sure Reima? You asked me to lock them away for a reason'  The worry in her tone almost makes me think twice, but I have to do it.


'As you wish, all you have to do is say the word..' 

I clutch my bed sheets and lower my head, " Awaken"

(Now you should play the song at the side)

All at once it's like a rushing river of images passes before my eyes. Ones of a little girl laughing, sleeping, playing, and crying. Most of them are outside and there's snow and wind, she dances around even though it's freezing outside. Then she is in the desert complaining about how hot it is and jumping up onto Haru. She sees a little boy crying and talks to him before the same purple wolf comes to get her. She walks away and looks back at the boy with the bear, all of a sudden she bumps into someone and looks up to see another girl with teal eyes standing in front of her. They begin to talk and laugh together before her grandma takes her hand and starts to walk away.

The next ones come up of her seeing two gravestones with soft white snowflakes falling down onto them. She talks to them and begins to cry when a person walks up behind her. She turns to find a boy with the same golden eyes as her, it's her cousin. He helps her off the ground and gives her a hug, she accepts it but can't help noticing the look in his eyes. Hatred. 

''They were very brave Reima, but they didn't have to die you know. It could have been avoided, there was two simple solutions,'' he says kneeling down in front of her.

She sniffles and looks at him confused," They didn't? But grandma said that they died for a good reason, for something precious. Was she lying?" 

He shrugs and looks away for a moment before looking back into her eyes, "It was precious to them but if you asked anyone else it was a lost cause. They could have avoided the whole thing if just two simple solutions happened."

Now she was really interested, her parents could have lived? "What were the so-solutions?"

He stands back up and keeps his cold eyes trained on her,"If they would have minded their own business,or....if  you were never born. That's right," he pauses seeing his little cousins horrified face, "they died because of you Reima Okamireh."

He walks away but not before giving her a distasteful glance. 

'Stop! Lock it away!' I cry inside of my mind. Kuremeah reseals my memories before the others have a chance to make an appearance.

I open my eyes and look at Temari, trying to not let my heartache show in my eyes.

"So did you remember anything?" she asks with a little hope in her voice.

I nod my head, "We used to talk and laugh when I came to visit."

she smiles and laughs a little,"See I knew it. I thought I was going crazy for a second there."

A knock sounds at the door and she gets up to answer it, after someone says a few words she nods and heads out the door.

Banshee takes the chance to look at me seriously ,"That wasn't all that you saw was it?"

Shaking my head I fall off the bed and bury my face into Banshee's fur. Tears cascade down my face as he puts a paw on my back and gives me a hug. We sit there for a good five minutes just hugging and crying, I forget about my hunger and try to stop crying, there have been very few times where I've cried in front of him. Usually I do it when I think he is not listening.

After a few moments I back out of his embrace and struggle back onto the bed.

"Do you want to talk about it?" 

"No it's not that important, just a bad memory...that's all." I look up to see his face still stoic, but his eyes show sadness and disappointment. 

That's all it is... just a bad memory. Nothing more, nothing less. Now if only I can convince myself that.

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