Chapter Nine!

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hahaha it's been a while hasn't it?......please don't kill me. I had a bit of writers block and i started rethinking the whole plot of the story so i had to switch some things around. BUT here's this chapter and I hope you like it! by the way the picture is little Gaara! Awww it's the swing set where he met Reima!



*Reima's POV*

 Why is it that I always wake up with a pounding head ache? I open my eyes slowly, wincing at the sudden brightness. Oh God not another hospital bed. Prison would work just fine you know. I let out a grunt as I lean on my elbows for support. Looking down I see that my nails have gone back to their normal size and a quick flick of my tongue tells me that so have my teeth. Kuremeah's chakra really packs a punch when it suddenly appears.

 "Why is it that you can't seem to follow orders when they're given?" I hear a dull voice speak up from behind me. I freeze for an instant before quickly turning and launching myself to the furthest wall from the source. What the hell? Gaara stares at me rather boredly as I keep myself from having a heart attack. It's only then that I realize that I'm not in a hospital room at all. Where the hell did they put me? The room is circular and has a desk towards the back wall where Gaara is sitting.

"You had them leave me in your office? Seriously? You had all of that time to decide where to keep me and this is what you come up with."

He continues to stare and blinks slowly before getting up and walking around to the front of the desk," My office is the highest guarded room in the village. You won't be escaping again anytime soon. Especially when we're connected and I can feel your every move." 

I narrow my eyes at the small smile that plays on his lips. Gaara, smiling? Someone call a doctor because I think their Kazekage is sick. A yelp escapes my throat as I'm suddenly pulled from one of my legs, making me land ass first on the floor. Oh hell no. Now I know why he's smiling. I let out a low, dangerous growl as I feel the grains of sand circle around my ankle. The pressure isn't enough to cause pain or discomfort, but enough to let me know that it's there and there is nothing I can do to get it off. 

"You shackled me to you! What the hell Ban why did you let-"

I stop my rant as I search the area with my eyes and come to realize that my guardian is nowhere to be seen. Many emotions pass through me- fear, dread, worry, but only one stays. Fury. My body starts to shake as I struggle to keep my temper under of control. One of my canine teeth pierces my lip, causing a small drop of blood to trickle down my chin. My nails bite into my clenched fists but the pain is barely noticeable to my numb body of anger. 

Gaara sees my change in posture and tightens the sand around my ankle as if he knows that I am about zero point two seconds from flipping my shit."Your wolf is outside in the hall. He refuses to let anyone in here while you were unconscious."

Then the door swings open as the last word leaves his mouth. I let out a grunt as I'm tackled from my position by a heavy mass of fur. My eyes meet wide lilac ones as the figure looks down at me in worry. 


She quickly gets up and starts rambling, "Oh Lady Reima when Banshee summoned me to asses my wounds I was shocked to hear that you were unconscious again. What happened? You know you've been slipping these past couple of weeks, maybe that's why you need to summon us for help more often. How many times did Hana tell you to use us to spar and hone your abilities? I told you she was right. She always is."

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