Chapter Seven!

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I'm just gonna get to the story for this one, you'll find out what the pic is later. ENJOY!!!


My vision becomes slightly blurry as I try to swallow. I'm pretty sure that I'm having a panic attack, okay it's gonna be just fine. Remember inhale, exhale,inhale,exhale...there we go. I can't show him that I'm worried or else he'll just get more and more suspicious.

"Do not say a word Reima. I'll handle this." Banshee says as he lowers his head,eyes staying focused on Gaaras.

"I asked her,not you. You are only here because it was the only way to get Reima to talk." The edge to his tone makes me sit up fully on the bed and glare, any panic in my stomach disperses. Let me tell you,if looks could kill, I'd be headed to a jail cell for murdering the Sand's kazekage.

"If you want me to cooperate, I suggest you keep your opinion of why he's here to a minimum. I will only say this once; Talk to any of my wolves like that again and I will personally deliver the consequences. As for your questions, I already told you why they were after me, I left the Land of Tundra and it didn't sit so well with some people."

"That tells me nothing about what ever you have sealed in you." is his cool answer.

"And how could you possibly know that I have something sealed in me?"

He walks up to me slowly and points to the middle of my chest. At first I am confused, then I cast my glance down to the top of my chest where a black circle and tip of something is peaking from out of my shirt.

'Reima...I know that it's dangerous but maybe you should tell at least him the truth. Remember that the Hidden Sand was a friend back in the Land of Tundra. He can help us, I'm almost certain.'

It's about time that she made an appearance. Still I have to be careful when talking to her, if I'm quiet for too long he's probably just going to think that he won. 'Right now I'm trusting nobody from here, it's exactly as you said. The Hidden Sand was our friend, as in the past...who knows if we can fully trust them now.'

I feel Kuremeah switch to a sitting position instead of her usual stretched out form on the ground. Great, here comes another argument. 'It won't be an argument if you would just listen to my advice this time Reima. I am sensing no danger from the Kazekage even if he has the Shukaku inside of him. Now just tell him the truth or else I will."

'No! What if I'm right and they just try to extract you from me? Or tell my cousin, what will you do then? It won't only be us that will suffer the pain that he will bring, the whole Hidden Wolf village will pay the price of your decision.'

'Reima Okamireh!Though you are my jinchuriki I can still manipulate you. so either you tell him the truth or I will' she growls.

My eyes widen in shock. That's the second time that she has ever threatened to use her chakra to deliberately control me. There's no way that she would try it, she knows what happens when to much of her chakra is let out, she could kill this entire village.

'I'll give you to the count of three'

'Are you kidding me? I'm not some little kid that you have to count to,' crossing my arms I scowl at the wall that's closest to me.

'Are you sure about that, cause it's beginning to look like it.'

I scoff and raise one of my eyebrows in defiance. 'one....two...alright then you leave me no choice Reima,'

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