Chapter Eight!

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Bahhhh I am sooo sooo sorry for the long awaited update. At first it was because I started getting more ideas and couldn't wait to write them, but then I wasn't sure if I should continue. But thanks to a very nice girl for getting on my ass about updating. I really hope that you enjoy this chapter!! You'll find out who that is at the side very soon ;p


*Third Person POV*

"Code Red, I repeat  Code Red!

Kunkuro growls in frustration as he scans the village from the top of the hospital, looking for any traces of the escapee. One week, that's how long it's been since she arrived and she's already putting the Hidden Sand on lock-down. 'She couldn't have gotten far'.

" Hell, yes she could've that sneaky little brat." He yells as a sand ninja comes up to salute him.

"Did you find her yet?" Kankuro bites out in annoyance at the lack of urgency in the ninja's movements.

He sees the man visibly gulp as he shakes his head back in forth quickly,"No, Lord Kankuro. However, we have every availible ninja looking for her as we speak, even genin!" 

Kankuro resists the urge to facepalm as he here's the tone of reassurance when he tells him that they have genin looking for her. Those newbies aren't going to know what to do when they find her! 'If they find her. Let's just hope that Gaara doesn't find out about her escape'. He adds mentally while casting his glance back out towards the village.

*Reima's POV*

I sniff the air as we duck out of our little hiding place in the small alley. Hmm three? No, Four. They have four ninja that are placed outside of the room. Now when I say we, I of course mean Banshee and I. Now let me tell you, ever since Kuremeah healed my leg Gaara's been extra cautious about me possibly trying to escape. He of course was right considering the fact that not even an hour later I broke through the hospital window and made a run for it. Almost made it I did, except for the fact that once I reached the front gates of the village I realized that they still had my bag. Of course stupid me stopped dead in my tracks and turned around immediately, heading back the way that I had once came. Evidently a guard saw the dust that I had kicked up in the my attempt at being quick to turn around. So, now we have the whole Hidden Sand looking for us. I guess old habits die hard huh?

"Ban! I need you to create a diversion so that I can sneak in and grab our crap!!" I harshly whisper to my overly protective guardian. He mumbles something about me being bossy but listens anyway. 'That's what I thought'.

A few seconds pass and I start to wonder if he actually got caught before he could make a scene big enough for my plan. "Wind style: Beast Wave Strike!"

Ah there it is. I can't help but smirk as the guards at the doors rush to the center of the giant whirlwind. 'Now's my chance!' I bust through the doors and look around the small room for my tribal printed bag and headband. 'Aha!' Quickly grabbing my few possessions I dart out of the room and let out a low whistle to signal Banshee. 

I crouch down and get ready as I see his massive form dart from the cloud of dust and sand before reaching out and grabbing a hold of his fur and swinging my leg over his back. "Woo-hoo! That's what I'm talking about, I thought you got caught for a moment!"

Banshee's chest rumbles as he laughs out a scoff,"Thank you for the vote of confidence Reima. It warms my heart," he replies sarcastically. 

I'm about to give another smart comment when a flaming ball barely grazes my left side, "Whoa!". Glancing behind me I see six ninja weaving hand signs and chasing us. 'Fire style users,huh?'

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