Chapter 12: Prisoner

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I stared through the spits in the wall as the elevator descended down farther and farther. I shifted slightly in the uncomfortable jumpsuit as the elevator stopped.

I stepped out of the elevator and it ascended, leaving me down here.

I turned around and took in my surroundings. There were twenty barred cells on both sides of the room with three beds in each. In the center of the room was a stairwell that led down and small, brightly glowing lights stuck in he ceiling.

"Lucas?" Asked the voice of my mother.

"Yes?" I replied.

"What happened to the stone I gave to you?" She asked.

"I gave it to Alice." I stated.

"That was my main connection to you, I won't be able to contact you very often without that stone." She stated.

"Oops." I said.

"Well at least its Alice that has it." Said my mother.

"She should take good care of it." I stated.

"Yes. Lucas, I suggest that you stay where you are for the time being, if you tried to escape now, terrible things would happen." Said my mother.

"Okay, I'll take your word for it." I said.

"I can't... connection... DSL... bye." Said my mother as her voice faded away.

I shook my head and looked around to see some people giving me strange looks.

I shrugged and walked around the stairwell and stepped down it. Below, was a cafeteria of sorts and an open area.

I felt hunger rumble in my stomach and walked to the cafeteria. There was a device on the wall that dropped a tray of mystery everything.

I picked up my tray and sat down in a secluded area, away from anyone else.

I picked up the fork that was stuck to the tray and poked at my goop. I cautiously brought some to my mouth and was decently surprised that it tasted good.

A skinny guy walked over to me and I looked up at him. He had a large tattoo covering the entire left side of his face and a small scar on the other.

He flashed a small sharpened stone at me, "Gimme yer food." He demanded.

I picked up the knife from my tray and stuck it in his hand.

"You little, I'm gonna make you regret that." He said pulling the knife out of his hand and holding his sharpened stone in my face.

I stood up and faced him.

"You must be new here, I'll let you off now, if you get on yer knees and beg." He said smugly.

"Not now, jerkwad." I said picking up my food and eating it.

He held the stone to me and his eye twitched.

"So you want to compare sizes now. Sure." I said.

The tattoo of a wolf on my forearm seeped out of my skin and turned back into the scythe. I held the scythe to his throat and tilted my head.

"Mines bigger." I stated.

The scythe turned back into the tattoo and the man scrambled on the ground and ran away.

I stretched out my arms and flinched at the pain from the cut in my shoulder.

I walked back up the stairs and looked around at each of the cells and chose one at random and walked up to it.

There was a single man sitting on his bed with his eyes closed. I walked inside and spoke up.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey." The man replied with his eyes still closed.

"Is one of these taken?" I asked.

"Nope, they're free." He stated.

I sat down on one and looked at the man with my head tilted.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Looking." He said plainly.

"For?" I asked.

"For a way out, I have to get out of here." He stated.

"Okay, are you sure you should be saying this out loud?" I asked.

"Are you sure you should be asking so many questions?" He mocked.

"Okay, I'll stop." I said before laying down on the bare mattress in silence.

* * * * * Ruby * * * * *

I sat in Gidion's ship as we flew back to my colony ship. I kept Alice between Linda and I as since Lucas was taken away, Derek had been trying to force himself onto her.

We docked smoothly into the platform. The landing lowered and I stepped down with Alice and Linda.

"Okay, goodbye." I said as I grabbed Alice's wrist and started to walk off.

"I've discussed it with Derek and have decided that you are to come down to the planet in the space of three days." Stated Gidion.

I rubbed my forehead. I'm in no position to refuse, that planet was once the home to my people, but my grandmother had a falling out with Gidion's grandfather and we were forced off the planet in this colony. They have enough weaponry to blast us out of the sky at any moment they want.

"Okay, fine, in three days." I said holding my anger in.

Their ship left us alone. I walked back to the capital with Alice. Linda went to go do something.

I stepped inside the door and abut it after Alice walked in then she broke down.

Shortish chapter, voting will inspire me to make them longer.

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