16: wait whattt??? yayy i guess

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"Hey Divya come sit.." KV waved her and she sat with us.

"Kv wanted to talk to you about something..emm .." her eyes wandered here and there as she looking nervous as hell.

oh right .. get out from here Naina.. dont be such a Kabaab me Haddi 

"hey i should better be going, Roop must be searching for me.." and i gave then a nervous smile.

"where are you going Naina.. sittt" Divya annoyed by the formal statement i just made told me to stay right there..

"so wassupp.." Kv did this thing with his hands, idk what posture was that supposed to be but god that sexy tho.

shut it out Naina you perv.

"i wanted to talk something about Aadarsh." and i saw a tension in both the faces.

"ohkay i should definitely go now" and i stood up.

"no Naina sit down. i dont want this to be between Aadarsh's friend and Aadarsh's girlfriend meet..since you're here, this brings casuality. you wont understand but anyways you stay." man that was rude enough but i sat again.

shonali totally got her some traits.

"KV so i'm pretty confused, was all this too soon? i mean we've dated a few weeks .. not even full month and here i am.  to mount abu with him. "

i tried not to listen to stuff.

"why do you think its soon?" kv asked.

"you know his last trip to Gangtok, he took his ex girlfriend and people tell me it lasted 2 months. 2 months is a little time. and keeping Aadarsh in mind i'm more concerned. he's way too casual."

"yeah i agree Aadarsh can be casual at times but why do you think its too soon ?? its never too soon. he wouldnt even ask you out if he didnt like you that much. let me tell you about this casualty stuff. are you listening to me ?" his deep voice echoed in my head. 

what an actual asshole i was, ignoring everything that Divya said and keenly listening to KV's litte speech 

"hmm" Divya replied. her face like she was about to cry. or was she already?

"Only a guy whose intentions just for a fling will tell you that he'll stay with you forever and ever and shitt like that. if someone is pretty serious about you, he'll never ruin it by the promise business. he want it to run with proper time."

"mm hmm" divya sobbed. 


"take an example, Me and Sara, we were together for few months, never promised never expected. and see nobody is hurt ...."

"WAIIITTT WHAAAATTT????" I screamed.

both of them gave me a "crazy insensitive bitch look"

i mean what an ass i was, that girl was crying and i was.. ugh okay forget it.

"...hurt. we're like friends. better than friends actually. and i'm sure Aadarsh never conned you into anything. he never have promised you anything that he didnt mean to fulfil. believe me he's an ass but he's a nice guy." Kv completed with a sweet smile.

"thank you Kv.. thanks a lot." divya hugged him and wiped her tears and took leave. but since she was Shonali's good friend, she gave me "watch it bitch look"

maybe that was for the secrecy thing..

yeah okay fine i'll not say anything to anyone.

why do people tell me secrets.. and why do they think i'll spill it ?? come on guys i have my lid on it and also KV is single.. woah.

tough talk.

why am i happy about this? like come on Sara is saint of a person and Kv is pretty nice too.. why getting happy to know that they already broke up.. 

i've disappointed myself.. Naina.. shame on you.. why did you even come here.. you're this insecure person with weird scenarios in your head and you're selfish and this doesnt even benefit you.

be sane Naina.. stay away from KV.

this is what my conscience told me..

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