32: shush

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i slept most of the day.. didnt really get up. called roop to tell her if she wants to hang out cz its 31st and our last day here.. but she didnt pick up .. 

i ate my breakfast and my second breakfast and my lunch in bed, told my cousins that i was sick.. since my aunt was out for a new year weekend celebration nobody can suspect my misery.

"you're getting out of limits Naina..please get up.. we'll go and party.." lola di came wearing a beautiful black dress with her hair curled up.. she looked so pretty.

"no i'm good..i'm sick"

"we're having this really nice party everyone will be there. Samar especially told me to invite you.. he really wants you there.."

"i cant go. really tired. really really tired. you go. "

finally she went without me and it was 7 already and  iwas laying aimlessly in my bed  watching some old shitty movie untill i got a call from KV.

"hey Naina.. how are you??" Kv's voice sounded like aspirin to my headache.. too cheesy? but thats the truth.

"hey. i'm good. wassup .. hows roop?"

"sleeping.. she's too tired.and also bruised. with all the super dancing yesterday, she's kind of done." and he laughed.

"ohh..so she should rest"

"yeah but you shouldnt. get ready asap, we have plans."

"what? no i have no plans. i'm going nowhere"

"come on i'm almost past anand vihar.. i drove from south delhi to east delhi just to take you out. you cannot just simply ditch me.. and besides you're not tired come on.."

"you khatri's are so stubborn.. ughhhhhhhh"

"come on Naina. come on"

"okay i'll be ready in half an hour."

"well take an hour more but mind that its a date." and he hung up.


was it a new year's eve date? were we celebrating new years together?? 


after 15 minutes of thinking of what to wear i finally wore this long H&M light sequins skirt with a striped a burgundy velvet top.. i curled my hair a little.. i finally reached outside the gate after his 9th text.

"go go go go go .. before the neighbors see us" i shut the door quickly, totally ignoring him..

"woah okay okay. wont you let me compliment you that you're looking absolu--"

"stop it.." i told you the thing about compliments right ??" i fidgeted..

he didnt say a word and kept eye on the road. i stared at him meanwhile when he wasnt looking. was he wearing a suit ? oh so cute..

we reached some place called aqua where we had a dinner reserved and our names in the private party..

i felt so grown up entering the hall with him.. i cannot believe i'm his date..its been almost 17 years i've never gone on dates, parties and what else and as soon as i met this guy , i'm having the time of my life.. 

at dinner we had the most normal conversation anyone can have.. really normal and quiet.. idk if i was really into this date or not, but i couldnt speak up my heart right now.. i stammered a lot.. i asked a lot of questions.. i spoke so less. idk what was so wrong with me..

after dinner we went for the dance that he asked me to .. 

"i cant dance.. i just cant.." i hissed.

"trust me you can.."

"no i cant. i dont like dancing.. i cant dance. i have balance problems."

"i'll teach you how to waltz. " and he held my hand

"you will?? what if i step on you?" 

"emm i'm definitely stronger than you so it woulddnt matter as per i know" with every bit of confidence he replied.


and he smiled..

that  smile can make anyone dance..

he taught me few moves and i followed his lead.. for few minutes i did erratic but i was fine later.. god bless his patience.

"Naina.." he broke the silence in the midst of a song.

"yes." i stared at his beautiful brown eyes.

"let go out.. its going to be 12 soon."

and we went out in the park to the see more people gathered for the fireworks and drinks. 

just noticed all this time kv was holding my hand. never left it for even a second.

self consciousness is a bitch.. i snapped back my hand and fidgeted again.

"what is wrong with you ..??" he asked with an ounce of innocence

"what is wrong with me?? you ask yourself what is wrong with yourself ??"

he didnt say a word..

" why all this now??? huh? i never expected anything did i ?? i never wanted you to do whatever you're doing right now. i'm okay being myself... i'm okay being you're friend. why do you think all this is necessary ??all this in all of a sudden? all this what you're doing is really really weird..what is exactly that you want .. batao? " and i took a deep deep breath finishing my rants.

"shushh" he shushed me and he pointed towards the fireworks in the sky which looked so beautiful .. 

for a second i left all the anger all the awkwardness , everything and we gazed at the sky for full five minutes.

why was this guy such calm? if i was in his place hearing all that what i said. i wouldnt really ignore all that.. but he was so different. 

his ignorance was is way of telling me that Naina try to live in the moment and stop fucking overthinking.

oh god i was already in love with this guy..

"happy new year Naina.."

"emm happy new year Karanveer..happy new year.." and i rested my head on his shoulder while his arms wrapped me.

we sat there for half an hour not talking..

just pure silence.

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