25: rebel.

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"I talked to Sara yesterday.. She says she misses me.. She's so sweet as in we met for such a short interval and she misses me! Isn't that cool?"  My phone beeped the 2 hours conversation while I talked to HER.
Haha Yeaah exactly Roop. It's been days since we talked because of her school but we somehow find time to Skype or call.
"Yeah she's sweet. Btw your best friend just bashed me the other day..." She playfully complained.
"Who best friend?"
"Your Jaipur wala 'just friend' lol"
"Roop are you talking about KV. What the hell " I was embarrassed enough. "What did he do?"
"Nothing as such. We just had an argument .. Why? Because I lied to you. About the whole Sara episode.. "
"What Sara episode?"
"When I told you that Sara was his girlfriend. And shitt. "
"So? Why is he mad at that?"
"He said he had reasons. And it lead to many more things."
"I don't understand Roop. " all confused I tried to join all the dots here.
"Neither do I. But you better talk to that old woman in the hunk costume about what exactly he wants.." Roop snorted..
"Offfo why is he digging all the old sand. It's all okay now.."
"Try telling him that."
What was that. I don't get it why KV behaved that way.. I have to call him. Or more like meet him??
"Mom can we go to Delhi to see maasi?"  Seeing mom in a good mood I tried to plead.
"Mom it's been months I haven't seen Lola Di. Please mom" Lola Di was my cousin.
"What has gotten into you Naina. You just came from a trip to I don't know to where where."
"Mom it's been six months."
"Why do you  want to go there? Do you not like it here ?on Christmas? On New Years? What is wrong with you Naina" mom was practically shouting now.
"Mom I'm just bored. And. Mom if dad's going to Delhi so take me too.. For few days maybe ?"
"You are getting out of hand Naina. You don't care about your exams anymore. All you want to do is going places. Why is that even that important."
"Mom my exams are in April. And it's my eleventh grade. And so far I've been doing good. "
"So you're satisfied with your performance?"
"Mom all you want is me to study 11 hours a day? And still you call I'm doing okay? Mom I'm just asking to lemme take to Delhi for 7 days. "
"Why are you arguing On this silly subject for which I'll never approve."
"Okay mom. As you wish. " finally giving up on the argument I just went straight to my room.
Naina. What a rebel you've become. Remember the last time you fought with your mom ? Yeah yeah okay you call that an argument but I so call that a fight.
Sitting in my room solving chemistry like a loser i switched off my phone. Old habit. I know nobody calls but still. Habit.
"Naina !! Come down for dinner!!" My mom shouted to call me.
I went to join my family for dinner but decided not to go with a drooping face. Because I wasn't one of those people who stayed angry at their parents after their parents denied something.
"Hey dad ! Wassup..."
"Nothing much. Pack your bags. We're going to Delhi. " he said, smiling.

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