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A/N: heyy all !!! chapter 5 is here !! thanks for the 100+reads !! changed the cover.. what do you think ..????? please vote or comment if you like this storyy.. follow hey-s-h-o-n-a for mmore stories :) thanks all !!




"beautiful sunlight !aaah ..lets go down amigos.. to the ground btw.."

mini and others were certainly enjoying the super sunny pleasant weather in mid January.. but i wasnt .. huh i hated this kind of weather.. i liked the usual winter weather of jabalpur .. wet cold wet cold then cold wet and finally DARK !!

everyone rushed to the ground but sushi waited for me.. sometimes they were sweet too!!

"you can go sush..dw i'll stay"

i insisted and she joined the others.

the class was down to see the semifinal of the football tournament and our boys were playing too and robin was the captain.. i knew we would win.. so i sat on the bench near the window and that was the best view you can get of the ground from the second floor

the glass window was tinted so there was minimum light in the room.. most teachers were at the playground managing kids.. i began thinking that everyone was so normal .. what was wrong with me.. i once asked Roop that what the hell was wrong with me..she said i was perfectly normal and that i was nothing but an overthinking bitch..and i hated myself way too much .. that was kinda bad tho .. she said i was amazing and i was a better friend of her than the girls she goes school with .. Roop was an awesome person by heart.. she was gifted with an honest heart that cared for everyone.. we've been in touch a lot since the party where we first met. and she can literally read minds .. not exactly but many times she could easily tell me what color i was wearing..many our conversations starts with:

Roop: heyyy babbyyy ;)

me: hi

Roop: uh whats wronggh :/

and i would spill everything ..

she said people were easy to read.. especially the people who be in same mood all the time.. like you ! you're the dark princess in my opinion .. she once called me that haha

my eyes were glued on the match but my mind was far from the game..got distractedd with the sound of someone walking past the classroom door and then returning.. he stood in front of the door and stared at me confused..

the guy in the green jersey..

"emm why are you not with your class..?" he asked.

"because i'm here." i replied with a feeble duh tone ..

"mind if i come in ..?" he was comparitively less firm now.

"your wish."

i knew he was a senior because green was the uniform of grade 12 football team but idk whhy wasnt he on the ground..?

"if you dnt wanna see the match then sit with your friends in the hall or just hang around in the other wing..that would be okay..?" he was tring to convince me but idk why..

"no i'm good here..therez too much noise everywhere.and too much sun too." i smell something fishy so i asked, "why do you want me to go from here.?"

"the teachers told to empty all ppl out of the classrooms..and i'm the prefect so they'll catch me before you..if they found you still in the room."

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