Chapter 4 - Lady and the Tramp?

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(( shout out to Kaitlin Magaw!!!! You really wanted this chapter so here you go, but before we begin I just wanna say that I am going on vacation until Tuesday so I may not update every day, welp, I blabbed, so start reading!!!! ))

Brodie's POV:

'Should I still meet at the River?' 'Was that my note after all?' 

These where the kinds of things pulsing through my mind. Being a night owl and just being physically unable to sleep right now, I needed to decide. I picked up my phone and the glow of the screen illuminated the space around me. 

' Shit, I need her number!!!!'

 My spirits where crushed, I was an idiot to think I could just text her and say the note wasn't actually from me, when I knew it was. Besides, she most likely doesn't even like me. 

' Maverick might have her number!?! '

Who better to ask then him? But I still have to be cool, really calm and collected, only because if he doesn't have it then I won't get to tell her anything and I will just have to either be a jerk and not show up, or be the lady and the tramp, but which should I choose? My phone once again, illuminated my room, selecting mavericks contact  I slowly and carefully typed, but explained with great caution.

To: Maverick

"Hey dude, I am wondering if you have katies number? I know it sounds stalkerish, but she found what I think is the note. I need to tell her that it wasn't me and that it was from someone trying to prank her. Please help me dude! I don't wanna be mean and not show up, but at the same time I don't want a disney movie, lady and the tramp thing happening!"

In a few heartwarming and aching seconds passed, then the buzz signalling that he had tested me back, fewwwwwww!

To: Brodie

"Here it is, idk, lol, just go full out and do your best bro. I am right behind you if you needs anything. And you do know it's like 2:00 in the fucking morning! Right?"

GOD DAMMIT!!!!!!!I am a GOD DAMN LOSER!!! I am ganna have to lady and the tramp it, but do I really want to?

(( wow, long chapter egh? Comment how you like the story so far, and I am leaving a cliff hanger, sorry Kaitlin. I know y'all love us and want more, but alas, I am only one person and I can make one chapter happen at a time. Plus this one took from 8:31 to 8:58 in the fricking morning!!! Ok, I blabbed, bye ))

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