Chapter 15 - Hospital Call

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   ok so this is going to be a point of few that you guys have never seen from before, it is Kaitlin's parents POV! So I am ganna also tell you that I got a computer so the updates are ganna come faster? Maybe, well I have blabbed long enough, Continue😁.

Kaitlin's Parent POV:

   "Hi, Are these the parents of Kaitlin?" The operator on the other end of the phone was from the Manatee County Hospital and my Wife, Jessica, was beginning to cry.

"Yes ma'am, What's wrong with Katie?"

" Well, Sir, She was severely injured in a car accident on Haven Blv. A semi truck smashed into the front of her car and the engine blew up. We need you to come to the hospital please,"

"Ok, Sure can do. What room and level is she on?"

"Room 563 on Level 5. Need anything else?"

"One more thing, Can you get  box of tissues for my wife that I can pick up at the front desk. She's ganna need 'em"

"Sure can do Sir, Please check in at the front desk when you arrive."

"OK, Thank you so much"

"You too"

   We hopped in the car and drove safely and quickly to the Hospital. Prepared for the worst.

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