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When Leo returned to the mess hall, he was greeted by Piper asking him,"Have you seen where Jason is? I really need to talk to him."He told her he hadn't, and she anxiously jogged past him, whipping her head back and forth.

"What was that about?" Leo asked Hazel and Frank, the only demigods remaining at the table. They looked up, distracted, and Leo wondered what they were talking about.

"Don't be so hard on her. She's just trying to get a romantic date out of her careless boyfriend," Hazel said absentmindedly. Frank frowned.

"Yeah, well maybe that boyfriend would rather stick a knife in his head than watch another romantic comedy." Leo rolled his eyes. He had a feeling they were talking about more than Jason and Piper.

"Whatever you say," Leo replied, smirking. Hazel glanced at him. He gave her a funny look and she laughed. This made Frank glower at Leo, which he enjoyed. Frank was so easy to play. Almost too easy.

Leo sauntered out of the room, wondering what to do. He went into the control room of the ship and checked on the GPS. When it had asked for the wanted location, Leo entered Doors of Death and now it was going crazy trying to find it.

Suddenly, there was a giant crash and a terrible scream. It sounded like it came from the left wing of rooms. Leo logged onto the security cameras and pressed the button that said

LEFT WING. Since he was too lazy to get up from his chair and discover what the noise was himself, he willed the computer to speed up so Leo could find out what was going on.

When the screen finally showed what he wanted, he gasped in surprise. He zoomed in on where Annabeth's door used to be and watched as the scene played out. There was Jason, standing about five feet into the room, dripping blood from his finger, staring at Piper who was surrounded in sawdust with a look on her face that suggested she had just seen a dead body, holding an....axe?

Could the blood and the axe be connected? Was it possible that Piper, a sweet, beautiful teenager, had just cut off her boyfriend's finger with an axe?! He tried to zoom in to see how bad Jason's wound really was, but the computer wouldn't let him. Leo quickly shut down the viewing, turned it back on to the GPS, and raced toward Annabeth's room.

What he saw when he arrived wasn't much better than the graphics on the camera. The only thing that reassured Leo was that Jason was now smiling at Piper, and up close his wound looked more like a paper cut. He watched as Piper asked Jason a question, Jason responded, and she clamped her hand over his mouth. Then she called out to him, loud and clear, words that Leo could interpret from the opposite side of the hall.

"Prepare for the end of the world."


Don't worry, I'm not stopping it there 😋 That would really suck, wouldn't it? I'll keep going on one condition--COMMENT! Please! I need to hear what you think! So far 14 people have read my story and ZERO have commented! So please comment! Th8nks, cupcakes!

Now back to the story...

At these words, Leo ran toward the unhappy couple. Jason looked like his dog had just been run over by a bus--and he was the driver. Leo called out, "Will one of you two lovebirds PLEASE tell me what the underworld is going on?" followed by a string off cuss words as he sunk to the ground, panting.

Jason gave him a weak smile. "Eat much?" He joked, pointing to Leo's....ummmm....muscle? Leo gave him a glare and jokingly heaved himself up, now exaggerating his pants (It sounds so weird!).

"And to answer your question," Jason said. "Well...maybe we should go somewhere."

Twenty minutes later, they were down at the mess hall, drinking coffee and talking. Soon everyone was filled in on the events of the day. Suddenly Jason turned to Leo. "Hey, man, care to explain why your hands are pink? I've been ignoring it 'cause I owed you an excuse, but now I notice you've been hiding them under the table and I had to ask."

All eyes turned on him. Leo frantically looked at Nico, who shrugged and sipped his latte. "Umm...well...I was in my, umm, engine room, and this thing kinda blew up, and....hmm ....my hands...BURNED! Yes that's why they're pink. They BURned." Leo glowed and looked happily at Nico across the table. He had his head in his hands and was trying to sneak out the door, but Leo glared at him and he sank back into his chair.

Hazel suddenly became very interested in the conversation. "Can I see them?" she asked. Leo's eyes widened and he shook his head. "NO! I mean...I'm really self-absorbed and...what's the word... Right, vain! And insecure! And I would just DIE if you saw me like this."

At this, Nico promptly stood up and said,"Well, this has been fun! We'll have to do this again sometime. Bye!" and he disappeared down the hallway. Leo stood as well, saying,

"Yeah! What he said! Bye!" and, hiding his hands in his pockets, began to run to his room, pretending not to hear Hazel calling his name.


NOW I'm done! Yay! Almost-kinda-maybe-somewhat-possiblycloseto halfway done with second round of POVs!


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