Chapter 10

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Phils pov
If pj is gonna be like that than idk how much more I'll be able to take he's too flirty. The bell had rung and it was time to go to class. The first class I had was with pj. I kissed dan good bye after walking him to his locker and vegan to walk with pj. " phil I thought you were gonna be all mine. I don't like sharing babe." He said pouting " wtf pj no I'm dans I never was yours so stop" I said glaring at him " are you sure philly. I'm pretty sure you were checking out on Friday" he said irritating me more "pj shut up." I say " fine but this isn't over I'll shoe you how much better than dan I am." He said comfedently I scoffed "ha ok" I said even more comfedently.
Dans pov
I watched him just casually walk away with pj. Phil walked away with pj even tho pj was all over him. Does he even mind? Does he like pj more than me? I'm so confused. I was sitting in 1st period. With Chris . " hey I don't like how pj is all over dan" Chris said. " yeah me neither "I wrote. " pj is kinda a man whore btw." Chris said with tears in his eyes and then it clicked Chris loves pj but pj is a whore. I love phil but phil seems fine with it. Ugh I'm so not good at life
Phils pov
The bell rang and we were walking out of 1st period I saw dan writing and Chris laughing while reading it jelousy washed over me. They both looked over at me and smiled they were walking towards me. I was ready to kiss dan. Then someone grabbed my hand tworld me around and kissed me I was in such shock I stood there. About a 30 seconds later I regained control of my body and pulled away and punch pj in the face. I look over and dan and Chris were no longer there.
Dans pov
I was talking with Chris about how stupid a teacher was and I looked up and saw phil my heart fluttered. He smiled at me which made my stomach do a flip I smiled back. As we got closer I saw pj walk up to phil. In slow motion he grabbed phils hand spun him around and kissed him phil just stood there letting him. A million questions raced through my head and I began to sob. Chris grabbed my hand and ran me to the fields. We sobbed into each others shoulders for quite a while. I felt tired and soon fell asleep on chris's shoulder. I couldnt believe phil. He made me believe he loved me and then he smash my heart. I feel like everything is pointless. As I slept I felt someone pick me up they carryed me for a while than set me down on a bed. My eyes fluttered open to see I was in a house I didn't recognize. Then my phone started ringing. I picked it up it was phil " Dan I'm sooo sorry it wasn't my fault he kissed me and I love you." He said " well phillip you stood there and let him kiss you, and you knew I was standing right there you could have at least pretended not to of liked it." I said bitterly " I'm sorry dan" he said " dont. Fucking.talked." I said then I heard a voice in the background that broke my heart even more " babe are you gonna come back to bed" it was pj his voice faint but audible. " shut the fuck up pj " I heard phil whisper yell. It was true. He was cheating on me." Dan it's not what it sounds like" He said crying " really cause it sounds like you never loved me and I don't know why I love you so much but I do there's no fucking point." I said hanging up Chris came into the room and we hugged for quite some time. I felt tired from crying again and so did he we began to fall asleep.
Phils pov
Shit shit shit shit. I walk up to pj and continued to punch him until he was a bloody mess. I walked away and went home. I was so empty. So hurt. So stupid. I had dan and then I lost him. I wasn't happy. I got a text from Chris
Chris: I don't know wtf is wrong with you but this boy won't stop sobbing you are such a dick. Stay away from us and go fuck pj. You ruined his life. I hope you burn in hell.
Woah I didn't think Chris would be that mad. I'm sorry for everything iv done. I cryed for a while and decided something. Dan doesn't need me he will find someone so much better. I grabbed a bottle of vodka from down stairs and downed about half of it. I don't remember anything after that.
*next morning *
I woke up with a splitting head ache and I turned to see and naked pj. I looked down to see a naked me. I began to sob. I really was as bad as Chris said. I wish I could just die.
Dans pov
I woke up in chris's arms it was comforting for both of us. " good morning danny" he said ruffling my hair. I began to sob again. " oh my god I'm so sorry did I say something." He gave me his phone so I could write on notes. Phil used to call me danny. I wrote. He smiled sadly at me." I'm sorry" he said hugging me.

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