Chapter 4

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I'm really sorry for not updating, I've been really busy

I wake the next morning from terrible nightmares. They mostly include my death in the arena and how my sister and mom will react. I quickly hop out of bed and into the shower that i havn't figured out yet how to use. My quarters are plush with an elaborate shower that instantly untangles your hair, a programmable closet, and a giant menu with food that appears on command. After showering and dressing, i am is called to dinner where the whole team (Levi, Thresh, and the stylists) assembles. I'm the first one up, but the Avox servant allows me to serve herself from the generous buffet. Levi and Thresh arrive, and Thresh is yet again wearing an outfit identical to me. Today we are going to the training sessions and Levi wants people to remember us as the cute brother and sister duo. Since Training is set to start today, Levi talks strategy. After Thresh and i decide to be coached together, Levi asks us what our strengths are.

"Um... I can't really do much" i bit my lip.

"Bull shi-" Thresh begins to say before being cut off.

"Don't swear" she says in a rather high pitched tone. Thresh rolls his eyes.

"This little girl has a gift when it comes to slingshots and because she's so small she can climb almost anything and not be seen or heard." I blush at how nice he's being.

"Oh yeah? Well thresh is extreamly strong. I mean obviously. When our family sent me and Thresh out to pick cotton, which is extreamly heavy once in a huge sack, he had to carry about 5 bags back and had no problem. And hes really smart, so that just makes him the biggest threat"

"Like i can kill someone with a sack of cotton, use you head rue"

"Enough, you both have very good qualities, be thrilled, but i want you too keep them secret. Thresh there's no doubt your strong. I want you to show how strong you are, strick fear and during the interview say you're going to kill anyone to keep rue safe. It makes people not to want to mess with her or you. And rue come across as shy. You already have the innocent and clueless act going, keep it up. Try different things in training. Don't show them what you can do. Go to camouflage and different things. It'll be useful." once she finishes telling us what to do we agree and clean up. I pull my hair up in a pony tail and head for the crystal elevator. Once Levi is im she hits the bottom button labled
At the basment of the training center Levi wishes us good luck and heads back up. All the tributes gather together. The Training Center is a skyscraper located in the center of the Capitol. Where us tribites live and train in preparation for the Hunger Games. We are also assigned Avoxes to act as servants to the tributes and our entourages. I notice that most of the tributes are bigger than me, but many are less well fed. That gives me an edge. The rich kid tributes, of course, are fed and trained and ready to go. Practice time starts. We can either go to combat stations or learn some survival skills. There are stations dotted about the room and the Head Gamemaker along with the minor Gamemakers are sat in the top room. Choose your stations wisely, make some allies and try not to get anyone killed. Some of the stations are:
-Bow and arrows


Edible plants and insects

The girl i nick named 'foxcace' is seen on a touch screen, sorting through a variety of plants. This section is set up as a memory
Foxface at the training centergame, showing plants that are edible lighting up in yellow, and those that are not lighting up in red.

The gauntlets

The Gauntlet are daunting obstacle courses used in the Training Center. They consist of ascending platforms that rise up to a landing. Tributes must jump from platform to platform to finish in the fastest time possible. To make it even more difficult, trainers swing padded clubs at the tributes. This station is very popular and all the Careers have a go at this first. The station is not very popular to the tributes who are shy, less able, or want to stay inconspicuous, like me. A girl from district 3 fell off the gauntlets and split her lip which caused her to start bleeding. It also caused the Career tributes to laugh at her. The boy from district 3 seemed a bit concerned about her injury, but laughed at her for the sake of his spot in the Career alliance.

Ropes course

The ropes course consists of a large rope net that stretches across the ceiling of the gym. Only the very nimble can leap around up there. This is what i am best at but Levi said don't show off. It is not as popular as some of the fighting techniques. I was beginning to get bored so i took Cato's knife and climbed up. Cato blamed a boy whos name i couldn't remember.


I dont know a lot about this station but i saw clove go here a lot.

This was the station Cato was at when i took his knife. He was throwing a spear through a dumy.


When Katniss and Peeta are at the camouflage station, Peeta seems to be doing very well at that station.

Fire-making station

This was the first station me and thresh tried. I didn't know what to do but thresh said find to dried out sticks and rub them together quickly.

District 4 seemed to really enjoy this station.


Katniss trained in the archery center impressing the other tributes and gaining many possible.

Fish hooks

I tried this station but gave up once it got hard.

Training lasts over three days and it's more of the same:
Thresh and I learn more survival skills - like how to start a fire and make a shelter. We steer clear of weightlifting and rope climbing so as not to give away their skill sets. Thresh and i eat together during meals, as do the Career Tributes (the rich kids). The rest sit alone.

Once the next three days of training are done its time to get our training scores. Training scores are a score from 1-12 rating each tribute by how well they preform. A tribute can use any of the stations. Tributes often use the scores to decide who will be a threat to them during the Games.

Private Training Session

The scores are decided privately on the last day of training. The tributes are called into the Training Center one at a time, the male preceding the female from each district, starting with District 1 and ending with District 12. During their session, they can work at any of the stations such as camouflage, bow and arrow, or knife throwing. The Gamemakers watch the tributes and evaluate their performances. After fifteen minutes, or once the Gamemakers believe that they have seen enough, they dismiss the tribute and call in the next. I sit next to thresh playing with my thumbs. Its just me, Thresh, Peeta, and Katniss left.

"Don't be nervous" Thresh gives me a reassuring smile as one of the gamemakers walks out.

"Rue, district 11" i sigh and tell thresh I'll see him after and walk in. There is a big glass room up on a platform and all the stations.

"You may begin" a man with black hair says. I walk over to the edible plants station and miss only 3 out of 30. Then i make my way over to the rope course and climb up with ease. Once the gamemakers decided they seen enough i was escorted out of the room and up to the 11th floor to wait for thresh.

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