Chapter 2

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It had also been a month of pretending. They had decided to hide their relationship from their friends for the simple reason of privacy. Once the team knew, Sly would draw up multiple algorithms determining the length of their relationship, Walter would be awkward around them and worry that their private lives may compromise their business lives, Paige would constantly make sure they were happy and Cabe. . . Well Cabe would probably not react much aside from a well - wishing and congratulations.

So each morning they came into work separately and at different times, hoping to fool the geniuses and for a while it had seemed to be working.

That morning, however, they came in together. Paige was the first to notice. She smiled and approached them. "Good morning, guys. Sleep well?"

"Excuse me?" Toby sputtered.

"Well since you two are now dating, i assumed. . ."

Happy rolled her eyes. "We're not a couple." She said.

"Why would you think that?" Toby mused, "It's not like we have chemistry or anything," he smiled down at Happy.

"Okay," Paige sang, but still smiled.

The couple made their way to Happy's desk.

"Happy. Don't you think it would be easier for everyone if we just told the team?" Toby asked, exasperated.

"No. No we can't tell them yet. You know how they'll react." Happy replied.

"Surely it can't be that bad," Toby mused. "Don't you want to be able to be with me and not worry who sees? We've hidden this for too long. Soon they will find out and then they'll just be mad at us for hiding it for this long."

"Alright," Happy gave in. "We can tell them. Just not now. After the case."

Toby smiled. "After the case it is."

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