Chapter 4

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Rachel laughed again and shifted even closer to Toby. Her pupils were dilated and her body language screamed desperation. Honestly, she wasn't even that pretty. Toby would much rather have Happy sitting across from him, laughing.

Rachel was still laughing. Toby couldn't even remember what he had said to make her laugh. He looked out the window and saw Happy frozen, staring at them. He gave her a reassuring smile and turned back to Rachel. He took the drink out of her hand and took her hand in his. "Let's leave," he suggested.

She purred and got up to leave with Toby. He led her outside to a Ferrari on loan from Homeland. He needed to impress her; she seemed very materialistic.

"Nice car," she observed.

"What, this old thing?" Rachel laughed and Toby steeled himself. He just had to drive her to the garage and he would be done with this charade. The team's van was still in the parking lot, but they were to drive in front of Toby to the garage.

After helping her into the car, Toby buckled himself in and put the key into the ignition. Just as he was about to start the car, his passenger grabbed his face and started kissing him. He froze, his eyes wide open and saw Happy watching them. She looked murderous. Toby quickly regained his composure and pushed Rachel back. She looked disappointed.

"Let's save that for later," Toby's voice shook. He started the car and nearly forgot to wait for the van to pull in front of him, in his hurry to get away from the mansion. He needed to talk to Happy.

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