Chapter 6

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By the time they got to the garage, Happy had calmed down ever so slightly. She had decided not to kill Toby (because without him, who would make her his speciality - omelets?) or anyone else (because not even Happy could make orange jumpsuits work.)

She hoped Rachel didn't suspect anything. Once Toby and her pulled up to the garage, Toby would convince her to let them interview her. They couldn't have her panicking and calling the police and Scorpion certainly couldn't deal with a kidnapping case right now.

Once inside Happy decided to keep herself busy as so not to throttle the lead in their case. She put on her welder's helmet and apron and started cutting scrap metal with her blowtorch. She couldn't help thinking about Toby - he would definitely have a joke ready about her favourite tool.

She heard the heavy metal door open and saw Toby leading Rachel inside. Happy pretended not to notice and went on with her work. She heard Toby tell Rachel about why she was really here. Happy suspected her to freak out - she seemed the brattish type. Instead, she agreed to help their case in any way possible.

"Right," Happy heard Toby laugh, "that will make things much easier. Why don't you follow me. . ." Toby led her to the newly built in conference room. Cabe had insisted they install one to formally conduct their business in. He was right, it would come in handy.

As Toby passed her, he avoided her gaze. He obviously didn't have an explanation as to what happened and that made Happy's blood boil a little bit hotter.

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