Chapter 9

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"Happy, about the kiss. . ." Toby started.

"We don't have to talk about it. I trust you enough to let you make decisions for yourself. You were helping with the case and it wasn't you that initiated the kiss. She did. So really, there's nothing to talk about." Happy surprised even herself at her response but after she said it she realised how true it was. She did trust Toby - with her life. And she knew he would never hurt her.

Toby grinned. "Does that mean I get to kiss other girls too?"

Happy punched his arm lightly (he winced anyway.) "Watch yourself, Doc." But she was laughing too.

"Is that," Toby gasped, "jealousy I'm picking up from our very own Happy Quinn?" Toby's snarky tone was cut off by Happy, who wrestled him to the ground. "Don't be a smartass," she laughed.

Toby raised his eyebrows. "I'd psychoanalyse you much more often if this would be your reaction each time."

Happy quickly realised how compromising her position was and stood up. She offered to help Toby, but instead he pulled her down next to him.

"Honestly, Happy. I want you to know that you're the only girl I ever want to be with." All the amusement had left Toby's face and his eyes were suddenly serious. "You know that, right?"

Happy nodded and not for the first time, she wished she was as good with words as he was. Instead she leaned over and kissed him lightly.

Right at that moment, Rachel and Paige passed them, obviously done with their interview. Rachel coughed loudly and Happy jumped up. Toby stayed seated on the floor and smirked at Rachel. "Nice meeting you," he called. Rachel huffed and walked out of the garage. Happy started giggling, then Toby started chuckling and it wasn't long before Paige joined in on the laughter.

"What are we going to do with them?" Cabe asked Walter, smiling and shaking his head.

"I don't know," Walter replied. He couldn't seem to avert his eyes from Paige's bright smile. "But I'm sure we'll be fine."

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