Chapter 8

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Happy decided to watch the interview. If that Rachel girl got a little too close for her liking, she could always step in and teach her a lesson. Happy had no qualms about fighting girls. She also had no qualms for breaking someone's nose.

Toby and Rachel both seemed to be relaxed. She knew she could hear and see them, but they couldn't see her. And Happy preferred it that way.

"You mean van Gogh's Starry Night? Well, the guy has class. And he'd certainly have to be talented to pull it off." Happy heard Toby admit. Then Rachel said something about her father not being the only talented one in the family. Toby looked uncomfortable. That's it, Happy decided.

Right before Happy stormed into the conference room, she heard Toby start to speak. "Listen, Rachel. I'm flattered." He walked out and pulled Happy into the room.

"But this right here is Happy. She's my girlfriend, Rachel and I love her. So sorry, but I'm not interested."

By this point Happy's blush was darker than her jeans. Rachel huffed and crossed her arms. "Whatever," she said.

"Guys, I'll take over here." Paige entered the room. Cabe and Walt are here and I think they want to speak with you."

Toby gulped. He took Happy's hand and led her to the kitchen where Cabe, Walter and Sly were standing.

Cabe saw them first. "Hey, guys. I think we need to talk." Walter nodded and Sly shifted on his feet. "We've all noticed how much closer you two have been lately," Walter said.

But Toby interrupted him. "We were going to tell you after the case," he said quickly.
"Even so, we were worried that your recent romantic development might compromise your professionalism. We cannot work effectively as a team if one or two of our own aren't working at 100% capacity.

"Don't worry," Happy reassured him. "We'll be the epitome of professional partners. Right, Toby?" Happy smiled up at Toby, and he smiled. "Right." He said.

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