27 Things To Do In Twilight

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1. Punch Bella in the freakin' face.

2. Yell at Bella to have some confidence once in a while.

3. Battle Edward because you harmed Bella.

4. Force Jessica and Mike to kiss each other.

5. Get really expensive clothes an a really expensive car and drive into the Forks High School parking lot like a bo$$ while playing "HYFR (Hell Yeah, F*cking Right)" loudly on the radio.

6. Try and hit Bella with a van, jump out and throw Tyler in there, and make it like Tyler did it all along.

7. Ask if you could "hold" Charlie's gun.

8. Ask Mike if he's on drugs.

9. Give Mike a chewtoy.

10. Ride on Edward's back an have a very unimportant conversation while he's running.

11. Eat all the food in the world and then sit on top of Edward's back while he's running.

12. Karate chop the creeps at Port Angeles.

13. Cut all the grass and flowers in the meadow and burn them. Then paint a large red "A" in the middle of the ground and call the Pretty Little Liars.

14. Flirt with the Cullen boys.

15. Ask Jasper if he's on his period.

16. Ask Dr. Cullen if he could marry you.

17. Make a big announcement that Harry Potter is way better than Twilight. Of course, everyone'll wouldn't know what you're talking about, so just sit down, child.

18. Ask Alice what your future will be like.

19. Ask Alice who will take away your virginity.

20. Get a job at La Bella Italia and stalk Edward and Bella during their conversation.

21. Go to La Bella Italia and order one of everything. Then throw it all up and say that you are pregnant.

22. Get all close to Edward and suddenly whisper "Great. Now you got me pregnant."

23. Punch Jacob in the face.

24. Yell at Jacob to put a shirt on for once.

25. Punch Jacob in the crotch.

26. Realize that Twilight is boring anyway and you've gained nothing from it.

27. Move to the Harry Potter side.

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