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I've finally done it, I've graduated high school. But, more important then that is I used all my graduation money to buy myself a laptop <3 and It's literally perfect for the video games I play, school, and writing on wattpad.

     Today I went to a meeting for my college and picked out my classes but, I found out that my F.A.F.S.A. didn't go through properly. So, I can lose my classes if someone else want's them before the F.A.F.S.A. goes through. Seems when I originally filled it out I didn't put the school I'm going to as a recipient... I know I did it somewhere but apparently it wasn't there. Also today, I'll be heading off to New York to help take care of my Nana. I'm actually kind of excited but at the same time it's a little bad since I won't have internet. I'm trying to download the sims on my laptop since I can play that offline but, It's only at 14% and it's been downloading for over and hour lol let's hope it's on by the time I leave.

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