Great News

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So, today started out pretty normal. nothing eventful or fun happened though I did paint. Painting has always been a secret passion of mine so I worked on my painting from yesterday. My teacher also was working on a painting and when she went to squirt out the white paint it backfired all over her pants LMFAO. It was study hall so so e of the "Bad" kids made fun of her because it looked like cum.

After school ended I went over sabrina's like I do basically every Friday. When it came time to eat there I deffinatly ate too much because her mom thinks I'm a growing boy and need a lot of food. When it got late we started watching a movie and I fell asleep. When IT woke up IN felt really sick but started walking home, staggering like a drunk person.

Getting home was when something amazing happened. My uncle who has been in prison for ges is finally out. He's probably one of my favprite unces because he thinks like me. He is artistic and can see money in antiques like me. It's fun to have him around. I showed him my painting and he relly liked it. Finally someone who didn't look at it and immediately ask why it doesn't have a face lol.

Just like 90% of the teen population I went on facebook after getting home. Will had a bad day at school due to a note he got where his best friend who isn't me basically told him she was sick of all his crap. I was hoping to get o facebook and cheer him up but yet again he posted a status about how his girlfriend of the week made his day better. Honestly whenever he talks about these girls I want to bash my head into a wall. He's bsically sabatoging his life since he doesn't want to be alone and it hurts me knowing that he is ruining his life and mking it worse with all these short term girlfriends. I hope soon I get to spend the day with him and his family again. I also hope this food poisoning? goes away because I can't walk right at all.

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