Ch.8 - The Deal with the Devil

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It's been about two weeks since Jack's rampage.

As expected, certain areas on my arms, legs, and ribs have remained sore. My ribs, especially. A careful examination into the mirror revealed at least six black and blue marks coloring my skin. I also sprung my wrist, but surprisingly no broken bones were present.

The gash made by the vase obviously received no medical attention other than my own. So it isn't heeling as well as it should. Because of that, I now have a scar forming behind my ear that runs down the nape of my neck. Fortunately, due to the length of my hair, it's covered completely. But, no pony tails for a while...

Jack knew it would mean trouble for him if I went to school in the condition I was in weeks ago. So he's kept me home since the incident. I still have to wash dishes and vacuum, but for the most part, he isn't rushing to have me leave home before I'm healed up enough to go unnoticed.

To explain my absence, my uncle told the school I had the flu. It's amazing how they will believe anything that comes out a parent or guardian's mouth. Not every guardian has their child's best interests in mind.

I'm sure Faye is worried sick about me, but I can't contact her. Jack confiscated my phone for the time being.

God, I'm so sick of that man. I hate him more than I despise my father. More than I hate my mom's boss for making her go overseas. And most of all, I hate myself for letting Jack push me around for so long. During my time out, I've been trying to concoct ideas to get away. So far I'm at zero, but there's no way I'm down for the count yet.

Since tomorrow is Monday I'll be returning to school. All I have to do is find an easy way to get there. My cell isn't the only thing my uncle confiscated. He took away my car as well.

»»----- - -----««

It took some creative thinking, but I got Faye to ride me to school. She had offered to carpool until my uncle returned my car privileges. Sad part is, that was probably never going to happen. And she knows it too.

"So, do you want to tell me why you dropped off the face of the earth for two weeks?" Faye still had her eyes on the road but was expecting an answer. I knew this was coming.

"I just had the flu. You should be careful. I may still be contagious." I teased.

Faye has always been a germaphobe. I figured this would stop her from asking more. But Faye wasn't buying it.

"Don't even try it! I want the real reason, Patience. Plus it's not even flu season genius." Faye rolled her eyes. I remained quiet and tilted my head down, not wanting to answer the question. Faye caught onto my refusal to explain. "Okay, if you really don't want to talk about it, we can save it for another time." Faye reached over and patted my shoulder as comfort. I really wish I could tell her, but I know can't. What would happen if she ever knew the truth? She might do something stupid and land in hot water with my uncle. I would never be able to forgive myself if Jack were to threaten her just to scare her away from his business. That and she's the only friend I have. Would she look t me the same way if she knew the truth?

"What's Jack been up to anyway?" Faye inquired.

"Jack? More like Jekyll." I joked, albeit with a hint of honesty.

"I told you he was part monster." She sighed. You have no idea.

"Yeah well he's the same as always. Anyway, what did I miss at school? Is the building still standing?" As I inquired her curiously, Faye looked like she was debating whether to respond or jump out the car window. "What's the matter?" I asked, confused at the peculiar reaction.

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