Who's There?

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I woke up to the sound of a scratch at my bedroom door. At that moment I get a flashback to before I went to bed. I get up and walk over to my door, I'm trembling with fear. Who knows what could be out there. I stick out my hand towards the door knob. But before I even reach it, my door swings open and and I hit the ground with a big thud. I scoot away from my door when I see something crawling in. It doesn't look human, it looks like something you'd see off a horror movie. The creature looks at me... But it appears to have no face. I try to scream as loud as I can, but nothing comes out. I can't move, I'm paralyzed with fear. The creature moves toward me slowly. I hear my parents bedroom door and footsteps coming my way. The creature runs to my window and jumps out a split second before my dad comes into view with a gun. He sees my face filled with terror, he grabs my arms to help me up. My mom is looking out my window but she doesn't seem to see anything. My dad helps me walk back to my bed as I slowly regain my ability to speak. They ask me what happened, but as I try to explain it they look at me like I'm crazy. I beg for them to believe me but it seems to make things worse. They leave my room and slam my door shut. I can hear their murmurs outside my door. I get up and walk to my door to eavesdrop, they're talking about me.

"She's going crazy" mom says, "we need to get her help"

"She's just stressed that there are new people living in Annie's house" dad says, defending me.

"I'm calling a therapist in the morning, she needs help. No one just says these things without some kind of problem Harold!"

I can hear my mom stomp away and my dad sat down beside my door. He's talking to himself.

"I don't believe what May-Day said but I can't ever imagine my little girl being crazy" he says in a muffled voice as he reassures himself.

He gets up and I hear him walk back to their bedroom. I crawl back into bed and I lay there looking at my ceiling. I slowly close my eyes and next thing I know I'm asleep.

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