Chapter Twelve

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"You want me to what?!" Both Arang and Taehyung exclaimed simultaneously

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"You want me to what?!" Both Arang and Taehyung exclaimed simultaneously. They proceeded to glare spitefully at each other. Director Wan could do nothing but shake her head and massage her temples. God were these two giving her a terrible migraine. Talking to them was like conversing with a bunch of immature five year olds who thought about nothing but themselves.

"There is no way in hell I am going to date him!" "There is no way in hell I am going to date her!" The two of them ejaculated at the same time yet again.

"Oh please," Taehyung scoffed with an eyebrow quirked. "There are hundreds, if not thousands, of girls who'd kill to get a chance to date me. Even if it was only for an hour." He boasted cockily as he stuck his chin up into the air.

"Then they all must have some type of mental disorder." Arang fired back as she rolled her eyes. "There's no sane person who'd ever date an egocentric and selfish maniac willingly."

"What'd you just call me?" He snarled, baring his teeth at her.

"Are you deaf? Did your inflated ego mess with your cerebrum?" The girl snickered as she sent him a taunting gaze.

"You're so annoying!" Taehyung huffed, throwing both of his arms into the air. "How can such a horrid thing exist in this world?"

"Funny, why don't you go and ask your parents?" Arang replied cleverly.

Finally, after having had enough of their incessant bickering and bantering, Director Wan decided that it was time for her to intervene. She stalked up behind the two of them and harshly tugged the boy's ear down. Taehyung yelped while Arang smirked smugly at him. "Omonim!" He cried out, wriggling in her grasp. "Why are you only punishing me?" He whined. He glared at Arang who stuck her tongue at him.

"Because as a member of this agency I expect you to behave yourself at all times, Taehyung." Director Wan chided apprehensively. "I asked Arang-sshi to come here as our guest. So are you going to be polite and courteous now?"

"Guest my as—" The older woman yanked his ear harder, preventing him from completing his rude remark.

"Not another word, young man. Ever since you've debuted you have caused nothing but scandals and problems for us. First it was the Peeping Tae incident and now there are photos of you and Arang-sshi in a rather suggestive position that could be easily misinterpreted floating all over the Internet. Just what were you thinking?" She sighed as she released him and walked back to her seat. She sat down and switched her gazes between the two youngsters planted in front of her.

"I'll tell you what he was thinking," Arang cut in. Taehyung and Director Wan looked her with much curiosity as they waited in anticipation to hear her answer. "It's plain and simple really. He wasn't thinking at all. End of story."

Taehyung's face hardened and he turned to Director Wan. "You expect me to be polite and courteous to this she-wolf? No thanks. Do you not see how rude she is to me? I've done nothing to her!"

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