Chapter Thirteen

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"Is that her?"

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"Is that her?"

"I can't tell. Her hair is in the way."

"It has to be her. This is the same department store the photos were taken in and she's the only one who resembles the girl in the pictures."

Arang's eyebrows knitted at the center of her forehead as she continued folding and arranging the shirts customers had carelessly left behind. She didn't know why but she felt like she was being watched and halted her current activities. Truthfully she had been feeling that way all day. When she scanned the vicinity, she spotted two girls ten or so yards away from where she was located. As soon as she made eye-contact with them they bolted out of there.

"What the hell was that?" She muttered.

"There's no way it can be her. Taehyung's standards are not that low." The first girl snickered as she rolled her eyes.

"But I think she's pretty." The second commented in disagreement.

"Oh please," her friend scoffed as they left the store. "She's probably had a lot of plastic surgery or is exceptionally good with makeup."

As Arang resumed her work, someone suddenly grasped the back of her dress and started to drag her away. "You have some explaining to do, So Arang."

The two of them were near the fitting rooms when the girl was finally released. She spun around and glared at the boy before slapping the back of his head. "If you wanted to talk to me you could have just said so nicely. You didn't have to drag me around like I'm some lifeless doll." She chastised.

Byunghyun was comforting his head before he stopped and continued to frown at his friend. "When did you start dating?" He interrogated.

Arang's jaw dropped to the floor hearing his rather absurd question. "What?" She replied, stupefied.

"Don't play dumb, Arang. I saw the pictures online and immediately recognized you. Since when did you start dating that guy? Do you know what kind of trouble you've gotten yourself into getting involved with an idol? His fans are going to shred you to pieces when they find out who you are."

"I am not dating that thing!" Arang blurted angrily.

"Are you really going to keep lying to me?" Byunghyun shook his head and took out his phone. He showed her all of the photographic evidence and sighed. "Like they say a picture is worth a thousand words. And the words in these pictures are screaming that you guys are in a relationship."

"It's a misunderstanding." She declared as she began to massage her temples in annoyance "Do I know that asshole? Sure. Do I wish that I didn't? Hell yeah I do."

Noticing his friend's irked behavior, Byunghyun realized that Arang was indeed telling him the truth. His urge to condemn her for not keeping him in the loop quickly disappeared. "You're serious, aren't you?"

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